供稿: 张小红 | 时间: 2018-12-19 | 次数: |
Abstract:Sentence variation has its intrinsic motivations, and a sentence is not a mirror of the objective reality, but a refraction of“a processed world”in the interactions between speaker's concepts, emotions and objective traits. S + V + O structure reflects the speaker's rationality in his respect for the objective realities, whereas Spatient + Vergative structure presupposes the speaker's strong will to extend his emotions and volitions, who does not hold enough respect for the objective world and “creates things at his own will”. Ergativization is a speech device in favor of whoever tends to quickly relieve himself of his pragmatic urgency in his empathy, and therefore is an effective means for emotional expression and appeal. Spatient + Vergative is the corollary of cognitive illusions in empathy, and so features an asymmetry between structure and meaning.