供稿: 陈华;胡新;吴松;曹文平;张永明;衡强强 | 时间: 2020-07-10 | 次数: |
陈华, 胡新, 吴松,等.组合式浮床去除污染物特征及脱氮动力学研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(4):61-67.
CHEN H , HU X , WU S ,et al.Study on pollutants removal performances and denitrification kinetics ofintegrated floating beds[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(4):61-67.
陈华1, 胡新1, 吴松1, 曹文平2, 张永明3, 衡强强3
1.江苏方正环保设计研究有限公司,江苏 徐州 221002;2.徐州工程学院环境工程学院,江苏 徐州 221111;3.徐州鄱湖环保科技发展有限公司,江苏 徐州 221111
摘要:为了研究低温条件下新型组合式生态浮床脱氮效果和动力学特征,组建两组平行的组合式生态浮床,即玉米芯基质组合式浮床(IFB-CF)和轻质陶粒基质组合式浮床(IFB-LC ),研究结果表明:水体交换周期7 d时,IFB-CF对 —N,
—N的降解速率分别为(13.58 ±0. 67) ,(4.40 ±0. 61),(9. 21 ±0. 38) mg/( L·d) , IFB-LC 对
—N 的降解速率分别为(6. 41 ±1.47) ,(2. 15 ±0.40) ,(5.95 ±0.46) mg/( L·d),相对 IFB-LC 而言,IFB-CF 具有更好的TN去除效果;两个组合式生态浮床TN去除动力学过程均符合Monod方程, IFB-LC和IFB-CF的k值分别为35. 67和39.23。从指示性微生物看,两个基质内微生物种群差距较大,从而导致两个浮床内产生较大的水质净化差异。
基金项目:江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2011201 );徐州工程学院校级科研项目(XKY2018242 )
Study on pollutants removal performances and denitrification kinetics of integrated floating beds
CHEN Hua1, HU Xin1, WU Song1, CAO Wenping2, ZHANG Yongming3, HENG Qiangqiang3
1.Jiangsu Fangzheng Environmental Design Research Co. ,Ltd. ,Xuzhou 221002,Jiangsu, China;2.School of Environmental Engineering, Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Xuzhou 221111, Jiangsu, China;3.Xuzhou Pohu Environmental Protection Technology Development Co.,Ltd. , Xuzhou 221111,Jiangsu,China
Abstract:To investigate the denitrification effect and kinetics characteristics of a new combined ecological floating bed at low temperature, two groups of parallel combined ecological floating beds were set up,i. e. , cob substrate floating bed(IFB-CF) and lightweight ceramsite substrate integrated floating bed (IFB-LC) . The study results showed that when water exchange period lasted 7 days, the degradation rates of total nitrogen (TN), —N and
—N by IFB-CF were(13.58 ± 0.67) mg/L,(4.40 ± 0.61) mg/L,and(9.21 ±0.38 ) mg/L , respectively. The degradation rates of total nitrogen (TN) ,
—N and
—N by IFB-LC were ( 6. 41 ±1.47 ) mg/(L·d),( 2. 15 ±0.40 ) mg/(L·d) , (5. 95 ±0.46) mg/(L·d) , respectively. Compared with IFB-LC ,IFB-CF had a higher TN removal effect. The kinetic processes of TN removal in the two combined ecological floating beds were in accordance with the Monod equation. The k value of IFB-LC and IFB-CF was 35. 67 and 39. 23 , respectively. From the point of view of indicator microorganisms, there was a large difference between the microbial populations in the two substrates,which led to a large difference in water purification between the two floating beds.
Key words:denitrification;integrated floating bed;corn cob substrate;indicated microorganism;biochemical kinetics