供稿: 周立军;武志广;路远;肖常志 | 时间: 2020-07-10 | 次数: |
周立军, 武志广, 路远,等.钠冷快堆蒸发器流致振动试验件可行性分析[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(4):68-74.
ZHOU L J, WU Z G, LU Y,et al.Feasibility analysis of the fluid-induced vibration experimental prototypefor evaporator components of sodium-cooled fast reactor[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(4):68-74.
周立军1, 武志广1, 路远1, 肖常志1,2
1.中国原子能科学研究院,北京 102413;2.中国西部先进核能研究院,陕西 西安 710049
基金项目:国家重大专项科研项目(149603 )
Feasibility analysis of the fluid-induced vibration experimental prototypefor evaporator components of sodium-cooled fast reactor
ZHOU Lijun1, WU Zhiguang1, LU Yuan1, XIAO Changzhi1,2
1.China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413 , China;2.Western Advanced Nuclear Energy Research Institute of China, Xi’an 710049 , Shaanxi, China
Abstract:The steam generator of sodium-cooled fast reactor ( SFR) was designed by straight tube structure. It was consisted of evaporator and superheater components. For the steam generator, the coolant liquid metal sodium flowed through the shell-side,and the water/steam was located at tube-side. When water was heated to superheated steam,it inevitably experienced boiling and heat transfer deterioration process. Two-phase flow instability phenomenon was occurred in tube-side of steam generator, and this easily caused series of operational and safe issues if the components were poorly designed. The feasibility analysis of the evaporator component fluid- induced vibration experimental prototype was focused on. The main conclusions were as follows:The important similarity criterions related to experimental prototype design were deduced by similarity analysis method ;A basic simplified structure of experimental prototype was designed by comparing with the prototype components;Flow field characteristic and modal characteristics were simulated by constructing a CFD model, and the feasibility of fluid-induced vibration experimental prototype was furtherly demonstrated;The feasibilities of ten groups of components were proved,and it provided the theoretical basis for subsequent superheater experimental prototype design.
Key words:sodium-cooled fast reactor;evaporator component;flow-induced vibration;similarity analysis;feasibility analysis