时间: 2021-05-10 | 次数: |
任建东, 李晓白, 王文.水平交叉巷道间夹角合理化取值数值模拟[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2021,40(3):1-9.
REN J D, LI X B, WANG W.Numerical simulation of rationalization of the angle betweenhorizontal crossing roadways[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2021,40(3):1-9.
任建东1, 李晓白2, 王文1
1.河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454000;2.山西霍尔辛赫煤业有限责任公司,山西 长治 046000
摘要:水平交叉巷道间夹角大小对交叉段巷道围岩塑性区发育、变形破坏和安全稳定均具有重要意义。为了研究水平交叉巷道间夹角合理取值,以某煤矿221上工作面胶带运输巷和联络 巷交叉段为研究对象,运用FLAC3D对不同交叉角度下巷道顶底板位移演化规律、围岩塑性区分布特征进行模拟研究。结果表明:随巷道间交叉角增大,交叉段巷道顶板下沉量、下沉范围和底板底鼓量在10°~80°时逐渐减小,在>80° ~90°时逐渐增大,80°时相对较小;10°~80° 时,两条巷道围岩产生的塑性区体积大致相等;交叉段巷道围岩发生破坏的类型中,已发生剪切破坏、正发生剪切破坏、已发生拉伸破坏、正发生拉伸破坏的体积分别占塑性区总体积的 72.60% ,20.70% ,6.65% ,0.05%。结合数值分析和工程实际,认为水平交叉巷道间夹角取 80°~90°较为合理。
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2018YFC0604502 );国家自然科学基金资助项目(51604093 )
Numerical simulation of rationalization of the angle betweenhorizontal crossing roadways
REN Jiandong1, LI Xiaobai2, WANG Wen1
1.School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China;2.Shanxi Horsinghe Coal Industry Co., Ltd., Changzhi 046000 ,Shanxi, China
Abstract:It is of practical significance to study the influence of the value of angle between horizontal crossing roadways on the deformation and failure of surrounding rocks and the development of plastic zones.Based on the intersection of headway and connection roadway on the coal face 221 上 of a coal mine as study background, the numerical simulation software FLAC3 D was used to analyze the evolution of the top and bottom of the roadway under different crossing angles and the distribution characteristics of the plastic zones.The results showed that, with the crossing angle increasing, the top subsidence and the bottom heave gradually decreased in the range of 10°〜 80°.and increased in the range of >80°〜90°.When the crossing angle was 80° , the top subsidence and bottom heave were relatively small.The volumes of the plastic zone produced by the two crossing roadways were approximately equal under the crossing angle of 10°〜80°.Among the types of damages to the surrounding rock in the intersection roadway, the shear failure occurring, the shear failure occurred, the tensile failure occurring, and the tensile failure occurred accounted for 72.60% ,20.70% ,6.65% and 0.05% , respectively.Combining numerical analysis and engineering practice, it was considered that the value of the crossing roadway angle was reasonable in 80°〜90°.
Key words:horizontal crossing roadway;crossing angle;surrounding rock stability;plastic zone;FLAC3D