Time: 2022-03-10 | Counts: |
Research on load sharing characteristics of double-ring herringbone planetary gear transmission system with eccentricity fault
REN Fei1, WANG Dexi1, SHI Guiqin2, LIANG Dong3, WANG Ning4, WANG Qi1
1.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450002 , Henan, China;2.College of Food and Bioengineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou 450001 , Henan, China;3.School of Mechanical,Electrical and Vehicle Engineering ,Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074 , China;4.China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co. , Ltd. , Zhengzhou 450016 , Henan,China
Abstract: In order to study the influence of eccentricity failure on the dynamic contact force and load sharing characteristics of the double-ring herringbone planetary transmission system,a corresponding virtual prototype model of the system was constructed based on SolidWorks and ADAMS. The system was simulated and ana lyzed,and the load sharing coefficient was used as the main evaluation index to analyze the load sharing characteristics of the system under different conditions. Based on simulation analysis,a method of adding flexible support to the system was proposed to improve the uneven load of the system caused by the eccentric fault. The results showed that the time-domain curve of the contact force of the internal and external meshing pairs of the system changed periodically. With the increase of the eccentricity,the load factor showed an increasing trend. When the system had an eccentric broken tooth fault,the time domain curve of the contact force had obvious fault characteristics. The load sharing coefficients of internal and external meshing pairs were increased by 12. 1% and 14% respectively compared with no fault. When there was an eccentric pitting failure,the contact force of each gearing pair changed in a sine wave,the fault characteristics were more regular than the eccentric broken tooth fault,and the load sharing coefficients of internal and external meshing pairs had increased by about 5. 6% . When the flexible support was added,the distribution of the contact force of the system was more even,the problem of system eccentricity fault was solved to a great extent and the load sharing characteristics of the system were improved. The results provided a basis for improving the system dynamics characteristics,the fault diagnosis research,and for realizing the dynamic design of the system,and had certain engineering practical significance.
Key words:eccentricity fault;double-ring herringbone planetary transmission system;contact force;load sharing characteristic;flexible support