>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2018年04期 >> 正文
供稿: 翟新献;孙乐乾;涂兴子;李如波;卢德芳 时间: 2018-07-18 次数:



摘要:厚煤层综放开采矿山压力和围岩控制一直是综放开采研究的重点问题。基于义马矿区耿村煤矿特厚煤层综放工作面的地质采矿条件,采用数值模拟和现场矿压观测的方法,对综放工作面覆岩移动和矿压显现规律进行研究。结果表明:(1)综放工作面上方老顶形成"三铰拱"形砌体结构,该结构初次失稳和周期性失稳造成工作面初次来压和周期来压。老顶来压后,工作面前方支承压力趋于稳定,主要表现在最大应力集中系数和塑性区范围基本保持不变。(2)综放工作面顶板周期来压步距14.4~17.5 m,平均16.2 m,顶板来压动载系数1.81~2.04,平均1.92,顶板来压明显但较缓和。顶板来压期间支架时间加权平均工作阻力为其额定工作阻力的72.2%,选用ZF8600/18/35D型放顶煤液压支架合理。研究结果可为义马矿区综放开采围岩控制提供技术支撑。



Abstract:The problems of strata behaviors and ground control have been focused by fully-mechanized coal face with sublevel caving in Gengcun coal mine. Based on the geological and mining conditions of the coal face in Gengcun coal mine of Yima mining area, Henan, China, the laws of overlying strata movement and strata behaviors at coal face were studied with methods of numerical simulation and strata pressure field observation. The results showed that: ( 1) The voussoir beam structure of“three hinged-arch”was formed in basic roof above the coal face. The initial instability and periodic instability of the structure caused the initial weighting and periodic weightings at the coal face. The abutment pressure in front of the coal face tended to be stable after basic roof weighting, which manifested that the maximum stress concentration coefficient and the plastic zone range were basically unchanged. ( 2) The periodic weighting interval of basic roof at the coal face was 14. 4 ~ 17. 5 m, with an average 16. 2 m. The dynamic coefficient of basic roof weighting was 1. 81 ~ 2. 04, with an average of 1. 92.Roof weightings were obvious, but more moderate. During the roof weighting at the coal face, the time-weighted average working resistance of supports was about 72. 2% of their rated working resistance. So, using the ZF8600/18/35D caving supports was reasonable. The conclusions provided technical supports for grounding control of fully-mechanized mining with sublevel caving in Yima mining area.


