>> 社会科学版期刊 >> 2019 >> 2019年01期 >> 正文
供稿: 扶平凡 时间: 2019-04-22 次数:







On Ying Bojue in Jin Ping Mei

FU Pingfan

College of Liberal Arts, Guizhou Minzu University

Abstract:In Jin Ping Mei, Ying bojue is an outstanding person in the idlers around Ximen Qing. He fully grasps Ximen Qing' s personality and psychology, and knows what Ximen Qing needs in everyday life. He has rich experience in how to get along well with Ximen Qing. He is good at satisfying Ximen Qing' s empty mind and enriching or regulating Ximen Qing' s boring life. In order to gain benefits from Ximen Qing, he can lower himself regardless of dignity. He is very skillful at gaining all kinds of benefits. At the same time, he is also helpful in pointing out the right direction, expanding his future, and solving the practical problems. Though not a vicious character, he is an ungrateful person.
