供稿: 蔡艳玲;韩凤娇 | 时间: 2018-12-16 | 次数: |
摘要:在自建语料库的基础上,通过运用Word Smith和Ant Conc两种计算机检索软件,并以定量和定性相结合的研究方法对西方著名女作家、印度生活书写的代表人物贾布瓦拉的代表作小说《热与尘》进行了主题、文体风格、写作技巧和人物性格等方面的深入分析。同时,在深刻理解的基础之上,挖掘出该小说中的隐含意义,并对其进行更加理性和更加科学的阐释,从而为这部小说在文学鉴赏方面找寻一些更加充实客观的理据。
Abstract:Based on self-built corpus, an in-depth analysis of the theme, style, writing technique and characters in the novel Heat and Dust by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, a famous women writer in the contemporary western world and a representative writer in Indian life writing, has been conducted with the help of retrieval softwares: Word Smith and Ant Conc. The method of both quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis will render a clearer and deeper understanding of the overall characteristics. Meanwhile, in order to find some more substantial and objective evidence in literature appreciation of this novel, we try to explore its implicit meaning through a more rational and scientific interpretation.