供稿: 施龙青;张荣遨;韩进;丛培章;秦道霞;郭玉成 | 时间: 2020-05-10 | 次数: |
施龙青, 张荣遨, 韩进,等.基于嫡权法-层次分析法耦合赋权的多源信息融合突水危险性评价[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(3):17-25.
SHI L Q, ZHANG R A, HAN J,et al.Water inrush risk assessment with multi-source information type fusion based onEWM-AHP comprehensive weighting[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(3):17-25.
施龙青1, 张荣遨1, 韩进2, 丛培章3, 秦道霞4, 郭玉成5
1.山东科技大学地球科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266590;2.山东科技大学计算机科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266590;3.招金矿业股 份有限公司,山东招远 265400;4.肥城矿业集团单县能源有限责任公司,山东泰安 271600;5.肥城白庄煤矿有限公司,山东泰安 271600
关键词:赠权法;层次分析法;模糊综合评判法;脆弱性指数法;信息融合;突水危险性;巷 道底板
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(41572244,51804184 ,41807283 );泰山学者建设工程专项项目
Water inrush risk assessment with multi-source information type fusion based onEWM-AHP comprehensive weighting
SHI Longqing1, ZHANG Rongao1, HAN Jin2, CONG Peizhang3, QIN Daoxia4, GUO Yucheng5
1.School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590 , Shandong, China;2.College of Computer Sciences & Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590 , Shandong, China;3.Zhaojin Mining Industry Co. , Ltd. , Zhaoyuan 265400 , Shandong, China;4.Shanxian Energy Co. , Ltd. , Feicheng Mining Group , Taian 271600 , Shandong, China;5.Feicheng Baizhuang Coal Mine Co. , Ltd. , Taian 271600 , Shandong, China
Abstract:In order to establish a more accurate evaluation model for water inrush, the analytic hierarchy process and the entropy weight method were used to establish the integrated weight coupling model to determine the comprehensive weight by means of coupled weighting. On the basis of the model increases the weight of credibility, furthermore, a multi-source information fusion model combining fuzzy evaluation method and vul- nerability index method with two methods of vulnerability assessment was established. Based on the analysis of the geological data of coal seam No. 15 in Liangzhuang minefield, eight main factors were selected for analysis. The results showed that the established multi-source information fusion model was in line with the actual situation. The established model had practical guiding significance for mine production,and it is more advantageous to guide the safe production of mine than the original method.
Key words:entropy weight method;analytie hierarchy process;fuzzy comprehensive evaluation;vulnerability index;