供稿: 谷任国;梁建勋;房营光;丁凯 | 时间: 2020-05-10 | 次数: |
谷任国, 梁建勋, 房营光,等.极细颗粒黏土渗透系数随电压变化的内在机制探讨[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(3):145-151.
GU R G, LIANG J X, FANG Y G,et al.Discussion on the internal mechanism of permeability coefficient ofultrafine particle with the variation of voltage[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(3):145-151.
谷任国1,2, 梁建勋1, 房营光1,2, 丁凯3
1.华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广东广州 510641;2.华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室,广东广州 510641;3.中海地 产集团有限公司,香港 999077
摘要:为了探讨外加强电场作用下极细颗粒黏土渗透系数变化的内在机制,采用改进ST55-2 型渗透仪,在相同试验条件下,先进行孔隙液为蒸馅水的人工土试样和天然土试样在外加强电场下的渗透试验,然后进行不同浓度NaCl孔隙液条件下的人工土试样在外强电场下的渗透试验。结果表明:外加强电场对土体的渗流性质有重要影响,当孔隙液为蒸馅水时,无论人工土还是天然土,电压较小时,带电黏土颗粒双电层极化对渗流特性影响较大,表现为渗透系数减小,而在电压较大时,带电黏土颗粒双电层极化引起的在电极板阴极处微缝隙对渗流特性影响较大,表现为渗透系数增大;当孔隙液为NaCl溶液时,黏土颗粒双电层极化引起的渗流量减小量比微缝隙引起的渗流量增加量要大,渗透系数不会随外加电场增大而增大。研究结果可为研究电渗固结内在机制变化提供参考,有助于完善电渗固结理论。
基金项目:国家自然科学青年基金资助项目(51208211 );华南理工大学亚热带建筑科学国家重点实验室自主研究项目(2017KB16)
Discussion on the internal mechanism of permeability coefficient ofultrafine particle with the variation of voltage
GU Renguo1,2, LIANG Jianxun1, FANG Yingguang1,2, DING Kai3
1.School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641 , Guangdong, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510641 , Guangdong, China;3.Zhanghai Real Estate Group Co. , Ltd. , Hongkong 999077 , China
Abstract:In order to explore the internal mechanism of the variation of permeability coefficient of ultrafine particle clay under external electric field, the artificial soil sample and natural soil test were firstly tested under the same test conditions using the modified ST55-2 type permeameter when the pore liquid was distilled water. The samples were subjected to a permeation test under an external electric field, and then a penetrating test of the artificial soil sample under different NaCl concentration conditions under an external strong electric field was performed. The results showed that the externally strong electric field had an important influence on the seepage property of the soil. When the pore fluid was distilled water, regardless of the artificial soil or the natural soil, the polarization of the charged layer of the charged clay particles had a great influence on the seepage characteristics. The performance showed a decrease in the permeability coefficient, and in the later stage of voltage increased, the micro-cavity at the cathode of the electrode plate caused by the polarization of the charged clay particles had a great influence on the seepage characteristics, which was characterized by an increase in the permeability coefficient. When the liquid was NaCl solution, the decrease of the seepage flow caused by the polarization of the electric double layer of the clay particles was larger than that of the microgap, and the permeability coefficient did not increase with the increase of the applied electric field. The results of this study could provide a reference for studying the changes in the internal mechanism of electroosmosis consolidation ,and helped to improve the electroosmosis consolidation theory.
Key words:ultrafine particle clay;external strong electric field;permeability coefficient;micro-slit effect