时间: 2021-01-10 | 次数: |
陈彦, 刘海涛, 赵长毅,等.歧口凹陷板桥斜坡构造变形特征及断裂系统划分[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2021,40(1):43-54.
CHEN Y, LIU H T, ZHAO C Y,et al.Tectonic deformation characteristics and fault system division ofBanqiao slope in Qikou sag[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2021,40(1):43-54.
陈彦1,2, 刘海涛2, 赵长毅1,2, 姜文亚3, 汪顺宇4, 李传明1,2
1.中国矿业大学(北京) 地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京 100083;2.中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083;3.中国石油大港油田分公 司,天津 300280;4.东北石油大学 地球科学学院,黑龙江大庆 163318
摘要:板桥斜坡是渤海湾盆地新生代岐口凹陷的次级构造单元,为探究板桥斜坡构造地质特征及在油气成藏中的作用,在前人研究成果的基础上,以最新歧口凹陷5 280 m2三维地震资料为依据,利用断层走向玫瑰花图、埋深-断距曲线、断层活动速率曲线、生长指数曲线及断距-距离曲线进行构造解析,厘定工区内大张坨、板桥等断层形成期次、成核时间、活动性及分段生长等特性;基于平衡剖面技术,进行“构造回剥”,做出斜坡区不同位置的发育演化史,进行构造恢复分析;依据断裂活动的时间性特征对断裂带进行系统划分,表明工区内存在6套断裂系统,即裂陷I幕断裂(I型)、裂陷II幕断裂(II型)、后裂陷期断裂(田型)、沙河街组-东营组断裂 (I - I型)、沙一段-东营组-馆陶组及明化镇组断裂(I -田型)、沙河街组-东营组-馆陶组-明化 镇组断裂(I -I-田型)。
基金项目:国家科技重大专项项目(2016ZX05006);中石油股份公司重大科技项目(2016D-0702 ;2019D-0706)
Tectonic deformation characteristics and fault system division ofBanqiao slope in Qikou sag
CHEN Yan1,2, LIU Haitao2, ZHAO Changyi1,2, JIANG Wenya3, WANG Shunyu4, LI Chuanming1,2
1.College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering,China University of Mining & Technology ( Beijing ) ,Beijing 100083 ,China;2.PetroChina Research Institute ofPetroleum Exploration & Development,Beijing 100083 ,China;3.PetroChina Dagang Oilfield Company,Tianjin 300280 ,China;4.School of Earth Science,Northeast Petroleum University,Daqing 163318 ,Heilongjiang,China
Abstract:Banqiao slope is the secondary tectonic unit of the Cenozoic Qikou sag in the Bohai Bay basin. In order to explore the structural geological characteristics of the Banqiao slope and its role in hydrocarbon accumulation ,based on the previous research results and the latest 5 280 m2 3D seismic data of Qikou sag,by using fault strike rose diagram,buried depth fault distance curve,fault activity rate curve,growth index curve and fault distance curve,the structural analysis was carried out,the characteristics such as formation period,nucleation time,activity and segmentation growth of Dazhangtuo-faults were determined. Based on the balanced profile technique,u structural stripping“ was carried out,the development and evolution history of different locations in the slope area was made,and structural recovery analysis was carried out. The fault zone was systematically di vided into six sets according to the temporal characteristics of fault activity,namely the rifting episode I fault (type I) ,the rifting episode II fault (type II) ,the post-rifting fault ( type 田),Shahejie formation-Dongying formation fault (type I-I) ,Es1 Dongying formation-Guantao formation and Minghuazhen formation fault type I-田),Shahejie formation-Dongying formation-Guantao formation-Minghuazhen formation fault ( type I-I-田).
Key words:Qikou sag;Banqiao slope;Dazhangtuo-fault;tectonic evolution history;fault system division