时间: 2021-09-10 | 次数: |
桑峰军, 程汉列, 张晓燕,等.基于应力应变曲线的页岩脆性指标分析[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2021,40(5):63-70.
SANG F J, CHENG H L, ZHANG X Y,et al.Study on brittleness index of shale based on stress-strain curve[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2021,40(5):63-70.
桑峰军1, 程汉列2, 张晓燕3, 杨国平3, 赵建锋3, 符彩云3, 张冲3
1.中石化中原石油工程有限公司 工程服务管理中心,河南 濮阳 457001;2.中海艾普油气测试(天津)有限公司,天津 300457;3.中国石油长庆油田分公司,陕西 榆林 719000
摘要:页岩脆性是评价页岩气储层是否可压的一个重要指标,是储层能否实现商业开采的关键。以南方海相龙马溪组富有机质页岩为研究对象,开展了单三轴压缩试验,依据岩石应力应变曲线建立新的脆性评价指标,并进行验证,在此基础上研究了页岩的脆性各向异性特征,结果表明:提出的脆性指标可以较好地反映页岩的脆性特征,标准化系数分别取λ=0. 4和n = 0.6时效果最好;南方海相龙马溪组页岩储层具有较强的脆性特征,可将其划分为高可压性储层;页岩的脆性指标随着围压增加逐渐降低,降低的速率逐渐减小;页岩的应力应变曲线5个阶段比较明显,随着围压增加,压密阶段逐渐缩短,屈服阶段逐渐变长,残余强度随着围压几乎线性增加;随着围压增加,页岩的峰值强度、弹性模量和软化模量都表现出明显的增加趋势,增幅分别为105.17%,71.74%和97.75%;页岩的脆性指标随着层理倾角增加先减小后增加,表现出“U”形变化规律,在层理倾角θ=0°时取得最大值,θ=30°时取得最小值,各向异性系数高达1.991,具有明显的各向异性特征。
Study on brittleness index of shale based on stress-strain curve
SANG Fengjun1, CHENG Hanlie2, ZHANG Xiaoyan3, YANG Guoping3, ZHAO Jianfeng3, FU Caiyun3, ZHANG Chong3
1.Petroleum Engineering Management Co. Ltd, Sinopec Zhong-yuan Oilfield Service Corporation, Puyang 457001 , Henan, China;2.COSL-EXPRO Testing Services(Tianjin) Co. , Ltd. , Tianjin 300457 , China;3.PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Yulin 719000 , Shaanxi, China
Abstract:The brittleness of shale is a key indicator for evaluating the compressibility of shale reservoirs , and is the key to decide whether shale reservoirs can be commercialized. In this work , the uniaxial and triaxial com-pression tests of organic rich shale of marine Longmaxi formation in South China were carried out , a new brittle-ness evaluation index was established and verified according to the rock stress-strain curve. On this basis , the brittleness anisotropy characteristics of shale were studied. The results showed that the brittleness index could commendably reflect the brittleness characteristics of shale , and the best results could be obtained when the normalization coefficients were λ =0.4 and n =0. 6 , respectively; The shale reservoir of marine Longmaxi formation in south China had strong brittleness, which could be divided into high compressibility reservoir; The brittleness index decreased With the increase of confining pressure , and the decreasing rate decreased gradually ; With the increase of confining pressure , the compaction stage shortened and the yield stage became longer. The residual strength increased almost linearly with the increase of confining pressure ; With the increase of confining pressure , the peak strength , elastic modulus and softening modulus of shale showed a significant in-creasing trend , with growing rate of 105.17% ,71.74% and 97.75% , respectively. With the increase of the bedding angle , the brittleness index of shale decreased first and then increased , showing a “U” shape change law , whose maximum value and minimum value were obtained when the bedding angle θ=0° and θ= 30° , respectively. The anisotropy coefficient was as high as 1.991 , which showed that the brittleness of shale had obvious anisotropic characteristics.
Key words:Longmaxi formation shale;brittleness index;uniaxial compression test and triaxial compression test;mechanical parameter;stress-strain curve;anisotropic characteristic