时间: 2021-09-10 | 次数: |
闫勇刚, 刘志浩, 朱小平,等.彩色光谱共焦传感器误差溯源及其校准方法分析[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2021,40(5):117-123.
YAN Y G, LIU Z H, ZHU X P,et al.Error tracing and calibration analysis of colorful spectral confocal sensor[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2021,40(5):117-123.
闫勇刚1, 刘志浩1, 朱小平2, 杜华2, 李加福2, 王耿1
1.河南理工大学 机械与动力工程学院,河南 焦作454000,北京 100029;2.中国计量科学研究院,北京 100029
摘要:针对国内光谱共焦传感器校准方法不统一、计量特性难以比较等问题,提出3种基于精密标准器的光谱共焦传感器校准方法,并基于此开展校准和计量特性评定。分别采用精密位移台、高精度测长仪与激光干涉仪3种标准器对光谱共焦传感器的基本误差、线性度、重复性、回程误差等参数进行校准,3种方法所测某种光谱共焦传感器的最大误差分别为2.76,3.40, 1. 17 μm,线性度分别为 0.689% ,0.850% ,0.293%,重复性分别为 1.463,1.324,0.787 μm,回 程(迟滞)误差为0.51 μm。校准结果表明:所提出的3种计量特性校准方法是有效的,光谱共焦位移传感器计量特性满足使用要求,其中,激光干涉校准法精度最高且可靠。研究成果有助于提高彩色光谱共焦位移传感器校准效率和可靠性,并为大尺寸玻璃平面度的高精度测量提供坚实的技术支撑。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51775174);河南省高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(NSFRF80332);河南省科技攻 关项目(212102210323,202102210082)
Error tracing and calibration analysis of colorful spectral confocal sensor
YAN Yonggang1, LIU Zhihao1, ZHU Xiaoping2, DU Hua2, LI Jiafu2, WANG Geng1
1.School of Mechanical & Power Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China, Beijing 100029, China;2.National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract: Aiming at the problems of inconsistent calibration methods and difficult evaluation of metrology characteristics for domestic spectral confocal sensors, three kinds of calibration methods were developed and applied to the measurement of metrology characteristics for the sensors. The characteristics, such as basic error, linearity, repeatability and hysteresis error, were evaluated respectively for a certain of spectral confocal sensor by using precision displacement platform, length-measuring machine and laser interferometer. The maximum basic errors were respectively 2.76,3.40,1.17 μm within the measurement range. The linearity was 0.689% ,0.850% respectively, 0. 293%. The repeatability was 1. 463,1.324,0.787 μm respectively. And it was 0.51 μm for the hysteresis error with laser interferometer. The results showed that the three calibrations wee valid, and the accuracy of the calibrated spectral confocal sensor could meet the requirement. The calibration methods changed with the different measurement needs, of which the calibration accuracy and correctness by using laser interferometer was highest and reliable. The study was very helpful to improve the calibration efficiency and reliability of spectral confocal displacement sensors, and would also provide an experimental basis for the development and improvement of the flatness measurement of large-scale glass.
Key words:metrology;spectral confocal displacement sensor;calibration;non-contact measurement;error analysis