时间: 2021-11-10 | 次数: |
郭世鹏, 康伟, 黄继茂, 等.基于D-InSAR技术的同震位移场反演及验证[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2021,40(6):84-91.
GUO S P, KANG W, HUANG J M, et al.Inversion and verification of coseismic displacement field based on D-InSAR technology[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2021,40(6):84-91.
郭世鹏, 康伟, 黄继茂, 张庭苇, 李云, 张王菲
西南林业大学 地理与生态旅游学院,云南 昆明650224
摘要:差分干涉合成孔径雷达(differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar, D-InSAR)技术 在获取地震同震位移场中具有极大的潜力,但由于地震产生的同震位移场区域通常较大,难以获得地表对应区域的测量数据(如GPS、水准测量等测量数据)进行验证,使得对D-InSAR获取的同震位移信息进行精度检验比较困难。以2016年中国台湾省高雄市发生的6.7级地震为例,采用Sentinel-1A升降轨数据,使用D-InSAR技术反演该区域的地震同震位移场信息,并采用典型特征点的升降轨数据的相关性、基于弹性半空间模型(Okada)反演的断层几何参数辅助验证D-InSAR反演结果的有效性。结果表明:升降轨反演结果的相关性较高,D-InSAR反演结果带入Okada模型模拟的位移场信息与以往研究结果基本一致;D-InSAR反演结果中,地震区最大抬升和沉降量分别为17.2 cm和15.6 cm,升降轨典型特征点形变量线性拟合的R2为0. 978 4 , Okada反演的参数显示地震位于旗山断层和潮州断层的断裂带上,震源深度为 14.59 km,发震机制为走滑逆冲断层。
Inversion and verification of coseismic displacement field based on D-InSAR technology
GUO Shipeng, KANG Wei, HUANG Jimao, ZHANG Tingwei, LI Yun, ZHANG Wangfei
School of Geography and Ecotourism, Southwest Forest University, Kunming 650224 , Yunnan, China
Abstract:Differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar(D-InSAR) technique has great potential in map-ping the coseismic displacement field in the earthquake zone. However ,due to the large area of coseismic dis-placement field caused by earthquakes , it is difficult to verify the measurement data ( such as GPS , leveling points , etc. ) obtained in the corresponding surface area. It is difficult to test the accuracy of the coseismic dis-placement field information acquired by D-InSAR technique. In this paper ,M 6.7 earthquake in Kaohsiung, Taiwan province, China was taken as an example , and D-InSAR technology was used to invert the coseismic displacement field information of the region by adopting ascending and descending Sentinel-1A data. The validity of D-InSAR inversion results was verified by using the correlation of the ascending and descending orbit data of typical feature points and the geometric parameters of fault inversion based on elastic half space model (Okada) . The results showed that the inversion results of ascending and descending orbits were highly correlated ,the D-InSAR inversion results were consistent with the displacement field simulated by Okada model. D-InSAR inversion results showed that the maximum uplift and subsidence of the seismic area were 17. 2 cm and 15. 6 cm, respectively ; And the R2 of linear fitting of the shape variables of the typical feature points of the ascending and descending orbits was 0. 978 4. Okada inversion parameters showed that the earthquake was located on the fault zone of Qishan fault and Chaozhou fault, the focal depth was 14.59 km, and the seismogenic mechanism was strike slip thrust fault
Key words:earthquake;coseismic displacement field;D-InSAR;inversion;Okada