Author: DAI Jun LI Zhiming LI Yanqin ZHAO Junwei | Time: 2023-07-10 | Counts: |
Robot path planning based on improved informed-RRT * algorithm
DAI Jun, LI Zhiming, LI Yanqin, ZHAO Junwei
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan,China
Abstract: In order to solve the problems of poor purpose, slow convergence speed and low efficiency of path optimization of Informed-RRT* algorithm in path planning, a greedy algorithm based on changing the search object was proposed to optimize the Informed-RRT* algorithm. Firstly ,the greedy algorithm was introduced in the first path planning. When a new node was obtained, whether the node could directly reach the target point was judged to enhance the purpose of path planning. Secondly, the search object of the potential optimal parent node was replaced by the node tree constructed by path planning to the constructed path,so as to reduce the number of nodes to be searched and to improve the planning efficiency. The simulation results showed that the improved Informed RRT* algorithm reduced the length of path planning by 10%~20% and the time of path planning by 80%~90% compared with the original algorithm.
Key words:Informed-RRT* algorithm;path planning;path optimization;robot navigation