Time: 2021-01-10 | Counts: |
Comprehensive evaluation of anti-cracking performance for asphalt mixture based on DCT test and AHP method
YAN Kewei1,2, SHI Xiaote3, ZHU Yuefeng1,4, SI Chundi1,4
1.State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior and System Safety of Traffic Engineering Structures,Shijiazhuang 050043,Hebei, China;2.Road and Bridge Engineering Department, Shanxi Conservancy Technical Institute, Yuncheng 044000,Shanxi, China;3.Department of Rail Transit, Shij~i- azhuang Institute ofRailway Technology, Shijiazhuang 050043,Hebei, China;4.School of Traffic and Transportation, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043 ,Hebei, China
Abstract:Due to the disadvantage of fracture energy in evaluating low temperature fracture test of asphalt mixture ,some fracture indices were summarized for further evaluation.Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method was applied to analyze five fracture indices,including fracture energy,toughness index,fracture strength,fracture strain tolerance and flexibility index.The comprehensive index for accessing the crack resistance of asphalt mixture was calculated by weighted average summation.The results showed that the weights of fracture energy, toughness index ,fracture strength, fracture strain tolerance and flexibility index were 0.232,0.046,0.145,0.491 ,0.092 respectively.The comprehensive index of asphalt mixture anti-cracking performance was obtained.The larger the comprehensive index was, the better the anti-cracking performance of asphalt mixture was.The practical analysis showed that the comprehensive index calculated by analytic hierarchy process was more reasonable than the single index method, and had better applicability and reliability.
Key words:DCT test;asphalt mixture;analytic hierarchy process;anti-cracking performance;reliability analysis