>> Nature Journal >> 2020 >> Issue 3 >> 正文
Study on the characteristics of groundwater "three nitrogen" and dissolved organic matter in a municipal solid waste landfill
Author: ZHAO Li, LIU Jingyu, WEI Jie, ZHANG Qing,SUN Chao, KONG Weifang, FAN Yingdi Time: 2020-05-10 Counts:





Study on the characteristics of groundwater “three nitrogen” and dissolved organic matter in a municipal solid waste landfill

ZHAO Li1,2, LIU Jingyu1,2,WEI Jie3,ZHANG Qing1,2, SUN Chao1,  KONG Weifang1, FAN Yingdi1

1.Institute of Resources & Environment, Henan polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China ;2.Henan Collaborative Innovation Center of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas for Central Plains Economic Region, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China;3.Henan Jiaozuo Urban Garbage Disposal Management Station, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China

Abstract:Three-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy were used to the content characteristics of“ three nitrogen “ and dissolved organic matter in water samples from five monitoring wells in a municipal solid waste landfill in north Henan province. It was of great significance to evaluate the impact of waste landfills on groundwater and conduct environmental risk assessment. The results showed that The groundwater of the waste landfill was weak alkaline water and the ammonia nitrogen concentration in No. 2 contamination diffusion well No. 4 contamination monitoring well and No. 5 contamination diffusion well monitoring wells exceeded the standard. The concentration of organic matter with aromatic structure in No. 3 contamination monitoring well was relatively high while the DOM in No. 2 No. 4 and No. 5 wells was mainly small molecular organic matter. Only protein-like fluorescence occurred in No. 2 well which might be related to the direct input of farmland landfill leachate regulating tank and sewage treatment station near the field and also related to the production of protein-like by microbial activity in water. The FI reflected that the DOM of the five monitoring wells were mainly biological sources and it had good traceability consistency with BIX results.

Key words:waste landfill;groundwater;three nitrogen;dissolved organic matter

