Author: CHANG Wenke, LI Chengiie, GUO Xiaoming, XU Xiaotao, ZHU Xiwang,ZHAO Fuling | Time: 2020-11-11 | Counts: |
Research on the distribution characteristic of soil properties under preferentialflow of the forestland in the coal mining subsidence area
CHANG Wenke1, LI Chengjie1, GUO Xiaoming1, XU Xiaotao1, ZHU Xiwang1, ZHAO Fuling2
1.College of Resource and Environment, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan,China;2.Environmental Supervision Group,Jiaozuo Demonstration Area of Urban and Rural Integration,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China
Abstract:Through field sampling and dye tracer experiments, the soil properties of preferential flow paths at the different slope position in the Hanwang coal mining subsided forest of Jiaozuo city were studied. The results showed that the soil at different slope position of forestland in coal mining subsidence area had obvious preferential flow phenomenon, and the occurrence degree of soil preferential flow was the highest in the middle slope ; the number of soil actinomycetes under the preferential pathways in the settlement area was significantly different between the upper slope and the middle slope, between the upper slope and the lower slope, and the soil phosphatase activity was significantly different between the middle slope and the lower slope ( p<0.05); compared with the soil matrix, the soil urease activity in the upper slope was increased by 8.66 mg/100 g, the bacteria number in the middle slope was increased by 86% , the actinomycetes quantity was increased by 70% , and the electrical conductivity of the middle slope and the downhill slope were 27% and 12% lower respectively. The above characteristics reflected that the preferential flow phenomenon in mining subsidence area had a strong influence on the distribution of soil characteristics.
Key words:coal mining subsidence area;forestland;preferential flow;dye tracer;soil property