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Research on soil moisture monitoring method based on Spatiotemporal Image-fusion Model and TVDI
Time: 2024-08-07 Counts:

ZHAO J, LIU J, HU F P, et al. Research on soil moisture monitoring method based on Spatiotemporal Image-fusion Model and TVDI[J]. Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science), doi:10.16186/j.cnki.1673- 9787. 2023120040.




Research on soil moisture monitoring method based on Spatiotemporal Image-fusion Model and


ZHAO JunLIU JianHU FeipengTUO RuiSUN Ziyun

College of Geography and Environmental Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070GansuChina

Abstract: Objectives To address the data limitations of Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) monitoring using single remote sensing data, a soil moisture monitoring method was proposed. It used a spatiotemporal fusion model and TVDI with multiple satellite data sources, such as MODIS and Landsat TIRS/TIRS-2. Methods The study investigated the applicability of the spatiotemporal fusion model (STI-FM) in fusing the MODIS and Landsat TIRS/TIRS-2 surface temperature data. It also investigated the effectiveness of using the STI-FM model and TVDI for soil moisture monitoring. Results The results showed that: (1) The surface temperature data from MODIS and Landsat TIRS/TIRS-2 was successfully fused by the STI-FM model. The estimated temperature data from the STI-FM model and the remotely sensed temperature data had a good correlation. This indicated the suitability of the STI-FM model for the study area. (2) The surface temperature data was improved by using the STI-FM model. It was combined with an optimized vegetation index-based TVDI. A significant improvement in the accuracy of soil moisture monitoring in the study area was achieved. It was compared to the traditional TVDI. (3) The improved TVDI had a clear advantage in soil moisture monitoring.It was compared to the reanalysis of soil moisture data (ERA5-Land). Conclusions The TVDI based on the STI-FM model can enhance the effectiveness of soil moisture monitoring. It provides a new approach to improve the capability of TVDI in monitoring soil moisture.

Key wordssoil moisture; TVDI; STI-FM; spatio-temporal fusion; applicability

CLC: S152.7TP79


