>> 社会科学版期刊 >> 2017 >> 2017年03期 >> 正文
供稿: 刘德林;冯倩倩 时间: 2018-12-05 次数:



摘要:居民对食品安全的风险感知是个体消费行为、企业风险沟通和政府政策制定的重要依据。从居民对食品安全的知识、态度和行为三个维度出发,构建了食品安全风险感知评价体系,利用网络问卷调查方法 (问卷星)获取相关研究数据,在评价分析调查样本食品安全风险感知水平的基础上,提出了居民食品安全风险感知水平的增强策略。结果表明:调查样本的食品安全风险感知现状处于中等水平,平均得分为66.92分;居民对食品安全的知识掌握程度较好,为78.67分;态度方面略低于知识掌握程度,为72.55分;经历食品安全事件后的行为倾向处于非常低的水平,仅为49.55分。因此,增强居民对食品安全事件的有效行为是提高居民食品安全风险感知水平的重要途径。





Abstract:The residents' risk perception of food safety plays a crucial role in individual consumption behavior, enterprise risk communication and government policy making. In this paper, the assessment system of food safety risk perception was built from the perspective of the residents' food safety knowledge, attitude and behavior. The data were obtained by means of network questionnaire, and some measures to enhance the residents' food safety risk perception were suggested based on the analysis of the samples' food safety risk perception. The results were: the food safety risk perception of samples was in the medium level, and the mean score was 66. 92; the score of knowledge about food safety was 78. 67, which indicated that the samples had a better knowledge of food safety; the score of attitude (72. 55) was lower than that of knowledge; The behavior was in the lowest level and its score was 49. 55; the behavior was the main factor that influences the residents' risk perception of food safety, and the attitude was the second main factor, while the knowledge was good; enhancing the public effective behavior to deal with food safety incidents was one of the most important measures to improve the residents' risk perception of food safety.
