>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2015年02期 >> 正文
供稿: 刘志怀;刘学斌 时间: 2018-11-19 次数:



摘要:针对煤矿井下高压供电系统普遍存在漏电保护的选择性、短路保护无法可靠实现选择性、多级过电流保护时限配合难以实现及故障定位困难等问题,提出了一种煤矿井下高压电网分布式综合信息系统方案。系统基于以井下控制器为核心的新型多级分布式Ether CAT协议网络,主要由分布式保护信息系统与监控信息系统两部分构成。系统实现了各测控装置的时钟同步,具有完善的电网监控功能,可有效完成漏电保护的选择性,短路保护的选择性,多级过电流保护的时限配合及故障的快速定位与处理。测试结果表明:系统性能稳定,实时性能满足监控与保护的实时性要求。


关键词:综合信息系统;分布式Ether CAT;网络继电保护;



Abstract:It is difficult to achieve the selectivity of leakage protection and short circuit protection, time delay match of over current protection and fault location in the high-voltage power supply system of coal mines. To solve these problems, this paper presents a scheme which could be called the distributed integrated information system of high-voltage power network. The scheme is based on a new kind of distributed Ether CAT protocol, and its core is the master-slave controller. The whole system can be divided into two parts. One is a distributed protection information system, the other a distributed electric monitoring system. The test results show that the real-time performance of the system is reliable and stable, and can meet the requirements of a relay protection system and a supervisory control system.
