>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2001年02期 >> 正文
供稿: 王思聪;康润生 时间: 2019-06-23 次数:



摘要:论述了如何利用数字电路设计技巧有效提高可编程器件CPLD中触发器资源利用率的方法 .研究时采用了精确小数分频器 ,将高分频倍数N ,用 2个低分频倍数K和m(K +m<N)分频器代替 ,使分频电路中使用的触发器个数大大减少 .并通过简易音乐发生器的设计 ,详细论述了精确小数分频器的设计原理 ,估算了采用小数分频器方法与一般分频方法中使用触发器的数量 .阐述了在不提高外部振荡频率的前提下 ,保证各唱名频率精确度的方法 ,给出了用ABLE语言编写的实现小数分频器和控制、译码电路程序 .



Research on simple music generator realized by CPLD

Abstract:It has presentd an effective approach to rasie the resource utilization rate of the triggers in the Control Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) by the design skill in digital circuit.The accurate decimal frequency divider is used in the research.The quantity of the trigger used in the circuit is greatly reduced by replacing the high?multiple frequency divider with two low?multiple ones.Its principle is described through the design of the simple music generator and the estimation on the quantity of the triggers is also given.With on increase of the exterior oscillation frequency, the precision of the note frequency is secured.The control and decode sequence is composed with ABLE language.
