供稿: 程小博;尚家泽;安葳鹏;刘雨;刘志中 | 时间: 2020-03-10 | 次数: |
程小博, 尚家泽, 安蕨鹏,等.基于DE-PSO路由的最优路径选择算法研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(2):110-115.
CHENG X B, SHANG J Z, AN W P, et al.Study on optimal routing path algorithm based on DE-PSO[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(2):110-115.
程小博, 尚家泽, 安蕨鹏, 刘雨, 刘志中
河南理工大学 计算机科学与技术学院,河南焦作454000
摘要:针对目前ZigBee网络中路由节点间能量消耗不均衡、能量消耗大和节点过早死亡等问题,提出了融合差分进化粒子群算法(DE-PSO)。首先,对比节点剩余能量,通过对比簇首竞选权重值竞选簇首,其次,利用DE算法搜索全局较优路径,并利用PSO算法的收敛性快速找到最佳路径。仿真结果表明, DE-PSO算法相比于经典的AODVjr算法、DE算法和ACO-AODV 算法,可以有效地减少节点死亡、延长网络生存时间、减少节点能量损耗,提高 ZigBee网络 的整体性能。
Study on optimal routing path algorithm based on DE-PSO
CHENG Xiaobo, SHANG Jiaze, AN Weipeng, LIU Yu, LIU Zhizhong
College of Computer Science and Technology, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China
Abstract:Due to unbalanced energy consumption, large energy consumption and premature death of nodes in ZigBee networks , differential evolution-particle swarm optimization ( DE-PSO ) algorithms was put forward. In the optimization process, according to the residual energy of the node, contest the cluster head by comparing the cluster head campaign weights, and the energy balance and convergence speed of the node were comprehensively taken into consideration. The DE algorithm was used in searching the overall, and the optimal path was quickly found by using the convergence of the PSO algorithm. The simulation results showed that, in terms of extending the network lifetime, reducing node death and balancing node energy and reducing energy loss, a hybrid of DE algorithm and PSO algorithm was superior to the classical AODVjr, DE and ACO-AODV algorithms, which improved the entire network performance of ZigBee.
Key words:ZigBee;differential evolution algorithm;PSO algorithm;optimal path