供稿: 杜明芳;赵文才;蒋敏敏 | 时间: 2020-03-10 | 次数: |
杜明芳, 赵文才, 蒋敏敏.盾构隧道下穿铁路箱涵引起轨道和地表沉降研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(2):122-129.
DU M F, ZHAO W C, JIANG M M,et al.Study on track and surface settlement caused by shield tunnel passingthrough railway box culvert[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(2):122-129.
杜明芳1, 赵文才1,2, 蒋敏敏1
1.河南工业大学 土木建筑学院,河南郑州 450001;2.河南省建科基础工程有限公司,河南郑州 450001
摘要:为揭示盾构隧道下穿铁路箱涵引起轨道和地表沉降的机理,采用数值模拟与现场试验相结合的方法,对郑州某地铁处盾构隧道下穿铁路箱涵工程进行研究。结果表明:迈达斯(GTS) 有限元模拟对箱涵、轨道和地表沉降变化趋势的预测与现场试验基本一致,但具体变化量差异显著;盾构隧道下穿铁路箱涵引起的地表沉降为下穿普通铁路的1. 3倍左右,轨道沉降仅为 1. 1倍,施工引起的地表横向沉降和轨道沉降范围约为隧道直径的7~8倍,施工产生的轨道沉降槽体积大于地表横向沉降槽,验证了箱涵对轨道沉降具有加剧和扩张作用。提出应拓宽轨道沉降监测范围和加强轨道沉降监测频率,同时,为确保铁路的安全运营,应加强轨道沉降控制。
基金项目:河南省科技厅自然科学基金资助项目(162102210188 )
Study on track and surface settlement caused by shield tunnel passingthrough railway box culvert
DU Mingfang1, ZHAO Wencai1,2, JIANG Minmin1
1.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001 , Henan, China;2.Henan Jianke Foundation Engineering Co. ,Ltd. , Zhengzhou 450001 , Henan, China
Abstract:In order to reveal the mechanism of track settlement caused by shield tunnel passing through the railway box culvert, the numerical simulation and field test were adopted to study the box culvert project of underpass subway in Zhengzhou. The results showed that the prediction of the change trend of box culvert, track and surface settlement by Midas ( GTS ) finite element simulation was basically consistent with the field test, but the specific variation amount was significantly different. The surface settlement caused by he shield tunnel passing through the railway box culvert was about 1.3 times of that of ordinary railway, and the trackal settlement was only about 1. 1 times. The range of transverse settlement and trackal settlement caused by the construction of railway box culvert under shield tunnel was about 7 ~8 times of tunnel diameter. What's more, the volume of the track settlement groove produced by the construction of railway box culvert under shield tunnel was larger than that of the horizontal transverse settlement groove on the ground, which proved that the box culvert had the intensifying and expanding effect on the track settlement. It was suggested that the scope of track settlement monitoring should be widened and the frequency of track settlement monitoring should be strengthened. At the same time, it was necessary to strengthen the control of track settlement to ensure the safe operation of railway.
Key words:shield tunnel;numerical simulation;railway box culvert;track settlement;surface settlement