时间: 2025-03-05 | 次数: |
杨文涛, 冯婉莹, 张鸿禹,等.华北南部济源地区三叠纪气候及其演变特征[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2025,44(2):51-60.
YANG W T, FENG W Y, ZHANG H Y ,et al.The Triassic climate and its evolutionary characteristics in Jiyuan area in south of North China Plate: Evidence from paleosol geochemistry[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2025,44(2):51-60.
杨文涛, 冯婉莹, 张鸿禹, 王敏
河南理工大学 资源环境学院,河南 焦作 454000
摘要: 目的 三叠纪处于温室气候的快速波动期,古土壤记录了丰富的古气候信息。为了探讨三叠纪由极端温室向中等温室气候的转变过程, 方法 选取济源地区三叠纪地层中古土壤为研究对象,进行主量元素分析,定量估算年均降水量与年均温度,进而恢复三叠纪气候特征及其演变规律。 结果 结果表明:(1)济源地区三叠纪地层中识别出15层古土壤层(包括钙质土、有机土和潜育土)。(2)定量古气候重建结果显示,三叠纪年均降水量为447~1 557 mm,温度为11~23 ℃。早三叠世,年均降水量为447~896 mm(早三叠世晚期,降水量呈增加趋势),温度为16~23 ℃(表现出下降的趋势);中三叠世,年均降水量为679~1 539 mm,呈稳步升高趋势,温度为11~20 ℃,中三叠世中期降至最低;晚三叠世,年均降水量为575~1 557 mm,晚三叠世早期和晚期降雨较少,中期降雨最多,温度为17~21 ℃,与降水量存在较好的正相关关系。(3)华北盆地三叠纪气候波动较普遍,早三叠世和中三叠世前期总体处于干旱炎热的大背景下,存在短暂的相对湿润时期;中三叠世后期,降雨量明显增加,开始向湿润气候转变;晚三叠世,降雨量波动较大,总体处于温暖湿润背景下,同时伴随相对干旱时期。 结论 研究结果可为三叠纪气候及其演变规律研究提供参考。
The Triassic climate and its evolutionary characteristics in Jiyuan area in south of North China Plate: Evidence from paleosol geochemistry
YANG Wentao, FENG Wanying, ZHANG Hongyu, WANG Min
School of Resources and Environment, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China
Abstract: Objectives The Triassic period was a period of rapid fluctuation of greenhouse climate, and the paleosol recorded abundant paleoclimate information. To study the climate change process from extreme to medium greenhouse, Methods the Triassic paleosoils in the Jiyuan area were selected as the research object to conduct principal element analysis to quantitatively estimate the annual average precipitation and temperature, and then reconstruct the paleclimate characteristics and evolution laws of the Triassic period. Results The results showed that, (1)15 layers of paleosol (including calcareous soil, organic soil and gleyed soil) were identified in the Triassic strata in Jiyuan area. The quantitative paleoclimate reconstruction results show that the mean the meanannual precipitation in the Triassic period was 447~1 557 mm/a,and the temperature was 11~23 ℃. In the Early Triassic, the mean annual precipitation was 447~896 mm (with an increasing trend in precipitation in the late Early Triassic), and the mean annual temperature was 16~23 ℃ (showing a downward trendin the Middle Triassic), In the Middle Triassic, the mean annual precipitation was 679~1 539 mm/a showing a steady upward trend the mean annual temperature was 11~20 ℃. It dropped to its lowest point in the middle of the Middle Triassic. In the Late Triassic, the mean annual precipitation was 575~1 557 mm/a. There was less rainfall in the early and late stages of the Late Triassic, and the most rainfall in the middle stage, with temperatures ranging from 17~21 ℃, showing a good positive correlation with precipitation. (3) The climate fluctuations in the Triassic period of the North China Basin were relatively common, and the Early Triassic and early Middle Triassic were generally under a background of drought and heat, with a brief period of relative humidity. In the late Middle Triassic, rainfall increased significantly and began to shift towards a humid climate. In the Late Triassic, there was a significant fluctuation in rainfall, which was generally under a warm and humid background, accompanied by a relatively dry period. Conclusions The research results ccan provide reference for the study of the Triassic climate and its evolution laws.
Key words:Triassic;climate evolution;geochemistry;Jiyuan Area