时间: 2025-03-05 | 次数: |
赵宁, 张赵墺基, 姜黎明,等.各向异性介质井孔瞬变电磁视电阻率和视倾角计算[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2025,44(2):81-89.
ZHAO N, ZHANG Z A J, JIANG L M, et al.Calculation of borehole transient electromagnetic apparent resistivity and dip in anisotropic medium[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2025,44(2):81-89.
赵宁1, 张赵墺基1, 姜黎明2, 肖占山2, 胡海涛2
1.河南理工大学 物理与电子信息学院,河南 焦作 454000;2.中国石油集团测井有限公司,陕西 西安 710077
摘要:瞬变电磁远探测在探测深度和分辨率方面,填补了常规测井和地震勘探的地质评价尺度空白带。但是,目前建立在各向同性介质基础上的理论模型,与我国大多数地区油气田客观存在的开发环境,即非均质、各向异性地层的事实不符。 目的 考虑到地下介质的复杂性和非均质性等特点,针对各向异性地层中的井孔瞬变电磁法研究具有重要意义。 方法 基于井孔瞬变电磁理论,通过研究三轴感应数据,采用解析计算方式推导各向异性地层井孔瞬变电磁视电阻率、视倾角关系表达式,通过建立水平和倾斜各向异性地层模型对视电阻率和视倾角进行计算与分析。 结果 结果表明:对于均匀各向同性介质模型,视电阻率可以较好反映地层阻值变化情况,视倾角与模型地层倾角基本吻合;对于垂直对称轴横向各向同性(transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis,VTI)的各向异性介质模型,视电阻率与视倾角能够较好反映各向异性地层的水平、垂直电阻率和倾角。 结论 井孔瞬变电磁响应能够快速计算出各向异性地层中视电阻率和视倾角,有助于快速分析观测装置附近电性结构,对各向异性介质井孔瞬变电磁领域的快速发展具有重要意义。
Calculation of borehole transient electromagnetic apparent resistivity and dip in anisotropic medium
ZHAO Ning1, ZHANG Zhaoaoji1, JIANG Liming2, XIAO Zhanshan2, HU Haitao2
1.School of Physics & Electronic Information Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, Henan, China;2.Well Logging Key Laboratory, China National Petroleum Corporation, Xi’an 710077, Shaanxi, China
Abstract:In the fields of resource exploration and development, as well as geological disaster prevention and control, the electromagnetic method of borehole is an effective tool for monitoring subsurface fluid distribution, particularly in evaluating the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing and grouting for water control. Transient electromagnetic remote detection fills the gap in geological assessment scale of conventional logging and seismic exploration in terms of detection depth and resolution. However,the current theoretical models based on isotropic media do not fully correspond to the actual development environment of most oil and gas fields in China, which is the fact of heterogeneous and anisotropic formations. Objectives Considering the complexity and heterogeneity of subsurface media, it is of great significance to study borehole transient electromagnetic method in anisotropic formations. Methods Based on borehole transient electromagnetic theory, the relationship between apparent resistivity and apparent dip angle of anisotropic formation borehole is derived through analytical calculation by studying the three component induction data. Results The results indicate that for isotropic media models, the apparent resistivity and apparent dip angle effectively can better reflect the formation resistivity and dip angle within the model. For anisotropic models with transversely isotropic media with a vertical symmetry axis (VTI),the apparent resistivity and apparent dip angle similarly can better reflect the horizontal and vertical resistivity and dip angle of the anisotropic formations. Conclusions The results enable rapid calculation of apparent resistivity and apparent dip angle in anisotropic formations, facilitating quick analysis of the electrical structure near the observation device and significantly contributing to the rapid development of borehole transient electromagnetics in anisotropic media.
Key words:borehole transient electromagnetic method;anisotropy;apparent resistivity;apparent dip