时间: 2023-07-10 | 次数: |
徐志超, 杨文举, 樊建峰,等.多向压缩对TC4合金组织和织构演变规律的影响[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(4):188-196.
XU Z C, YANG W J, FAN J F,et al.Effect of multidirectional compression on microstructure,texture evolution of TC4 alloy[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(4):188-196.
徐志超1, 杨文举1, 樊建峰2, 郭学锋1, 高增1, 吴涛1
1.河南理工大学 材料科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454000;2.新材料界面科学与工程教育部重点实验室,山西 太原 030024
摘要:为了探明多向压缩工艺参数对TC4合金组织和织构演变规律的影响,利用透射电镜(TEM)和电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术系统研究多向压缩工艺下TC4合金组织和织构的变化特征。结果表明:随着累积应变量增加,试样各部位上的晶粒均得到不同程度细化,易变形区上的晶粒细化效果最为显著;经过4个循环变形后,试样整体组织趋近均匀,平均晶粒尺寸由4.8 μm细化到0.14 μm,组织以细小等轴晶粒为主,整体组织的均匀性得到改善;随着循环变形次数增加,合金中出现许多细小的再结晶晶粒;多向压缩第一个循环后,随着外加载荷轴转换,织构散漫程度增加,织构密度先减小后增加,形成以{0002}<100>和{0002}<11
Effect of multidirectional compression on microstructure,texture evolution of TC4 alloy
XU Zhichao1, YANG Wenju1, FAN Jianfeng2, GUO Xuefeng1, GAO Zeng1, WU Tao1
1.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China;2.Key Laboratory of Interface Science and Engineering of Advanced Materials, Ministry of Education,Taiyuan 030024,Shanxi,China
Abstract:In order to investigate the influence of multi-directional compression process parameters on the microstructure and texture evolution of TC4 alloy,transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) techniques were used to systematically study the changes in microstructure and texture of TC4 alloy under multi-directional compression process.The experiment results showed that the grain size decreased with the increase of cumulative strain,especially on the easy deformation zone.After four deformation cycles,the average grain size was refined from 4.8 μm to 0.14 μm.The microstructure was mainly consisted of fine equiaxed grains,and the overall uniformity of the organization was improved.Meanwhile,with the increase of deformation cycle,fine recrystallized grains were obtained.After the first cycle of multidirectional compression,owing to the transformation of external load axis,the degree of texture diffusion increased and the texture density increased.The dominant crystallographic texture components developed during compression were {0002}<100> and{0002}<11
0> basal texture. With the increase of the number of cycles,the density of texture decreased and the degree of dispersion of texture increased.The dominant crystallographic texture components were mainly {
2>; non basal texture.The research results can provide theoretical and practical basis for the production process and texture control of TC4 alloy.
Key words:TC4 alloy;multidirectional compression;microstructure;texture