时间: 2023-07-10 | 次数: |
张彦宾, 陈攀, 尹士献,等.赵固二矿岩移参数反演拟合及工作面开采方案优化[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(4):47-54.
ZHANG Y B, CHEN P, YIN S X,et al.Inversion fitting of rock movement parameter and mining scheme optimization of working face in Zhaogu No.2 Coal Mine[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(4):47-54.
张彦宾1, 陈攀2, 尹士献1, 张文志3
1.河南理工大学 安全技术培训中心,河南 焦作 454000;2.焦作煤业(集团) 新乡能源有限公司,河南 新乡 453634;3.河南理工大学 测绘与国土信息工程学院,河南 焦作 454000
摘要:针对赵固二矿在厚松散层大采深条件下缺乏准确的地表岩移参数问题开展研究,首先,通过建立地表移动变形观测站获取实测数据,采用自主开发的移动变形破坏程度预计的综合评价计算程序对实测数据进行反演分析,得到该地质条件下的岩移参数;然后,利用概率积分法预计出14030工作面各开采方案的地表移动变形值;最后,根据预测结果划定出地表村庄的损害等级影响范围,确定最优开采方案。结果表明,厚松散层大采深条件下开采地表反映强烈,影响范围远,下沉系数达到1,松散层移动角为46°,基岩移动角为68°,拐点偏移距偏小,呈负值,为-33 m,采深时间岩性系数为2.85,受松散层失水固结沉降影响,水平移动系数为0.4。研究结果用于指导生产实践取得了良好效果,且对赵固二矿合理留设村庄保护煤柱有重要参考价值。
Inversion fitting of rock movement parameter and mining scheme optimization of working face in Zhaogu No.2 Coal Mine
ZHANG Yanbin1, CHEN Pan2, YIN Shixian1, ZHANG Wenzhi3
1.Safety Technology Training Center,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China;2.Xinxiang Energy Co.,Ltd.,Jiaozuo Coal Mining Group,Xinxiang 453634,Henan,China;3.School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China
Abstract:In view of the lack of accurate surface rock movement parameters under the condition of thick loose bed and large mining depth in Zhaogu No.2 Coal Mine,firstly,the measured data were obtained by establishing a surface movement and deformation observation station,and the measured data were inversely analyzed by using the self-developed comprehensive evaluation and calculation program for predicting the degree of movement,deformation and damage,and the main surface rock movement parameters under this geological condition were obtained.Then,the probability integral method was used to predict the surface movement and deformation value of each mining plan of the 14030 working face.Finally,the damage level influence range of the surface villages was determined according to the prediction results,and the optimal mining plan was determined.The research showed that the mining surface reflected strongly under the deep conditions of thick unconsolidated layer,the influence range was far,the subsidence coefficient reached 1,the loose layer movement angle was 46°,the bedrock movement angle was 68°,the inflection point offset was smaller,the negative value was -33 m,the lithologic coefficient of mining time was 2.85,and the horizontal movement coefficient was 0.4 due to the water loss and consolidation settlement of the unconsolidated layer.The rock movement parameters obtained from the study had been used to guide production practice and achieved good results.The study had an important reference value to reasonably reserve village protection coal pillars for Zhaogu No.2 Coal Mine.
Key words:Zhaogu No.2 Coal Mine;thick loose bed;surface subsidence;rock movement parameter;inversion fitting