时间: 2023-07-10 | 次数: |
刘彦伟, 何艳艳, 江啸,等.兼顾人防功能的地下综合管廊安全运维风险评估与优化[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2023,42(4):11-21.
LIU Y W, HE Y Y, JIANG X,et al.Risk assessment and optimization of safe operation and maintenance of underground utility tunnel considering civil air defense[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(4):11-21.
刘彦伟1, 何艳艳1, 江啸2, 颜爱华3, 郭佳奇4, 邱金鹏2, 姜丽楠2
1.河南理工大学 安全科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454000;2.江苏方洋物流有限公司,江苏 连云港 222000;3.应急管理部研究中心,北京 100713;4.河南理工大学 土木工程学院,河南 焦作 454000
摘要:兼顾人防功能已成为地下综合管廊建设和运维的发展趋势,但地下综合管廊自身功能与人防要求的耦合使其安全风险评估和运维更为复杂,针对此问题提出基于AHP-云模型的地下综合管廊兼顾人防安全风险评估方法和补强优化措施。首先,利用等级全息建模方法(HHM)从宏观结构和安全管理视角构建风险识别维度,运用Vague集理论过滤分析,建立6个一级风险指标、36个二级风险指标;其次,构建风险评估AHP-云模型,评估徐圩新区地下综合管廊兼顾人防的安全运维管理现状;最后,针对评估结果并结合人防工程相关标准,提出综合管廊兼顾人防功能的优化措施,基于BIM和Unity 3D建立综合管廊兼顾人防情景演练。结果表明:评估方法与指标适用于兼顾人防的地下综合管廊,评估结果直观、准确、可靠;项目整体运维安全风险等级为低风险,但结构主体和孔口设施为中等风险,经补强优化后符合人防相关要求。
Risk assessment and optimization of safe operation and maintenance of underground utility tunnel considering civil air defense
LIU Yanwei1, HE Yanyan1, JIANG Xiao2, YAN Aihua3, GUO Jiaqi4, QIU Jinpeng2, JIANG Linan2
1.College of Safety Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China;2.Jiangsu Fangyang Logistic Co.,Ltd.,Lianyungang 222000,Jiangsu,China;3.Research Center of Emergency Management,Beijing 100713,China;4.College of Civil Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China
Abstract:Taking into account the function of civil air defense has become the development trend of the con-struction and operation and maintenance of underground utility tunnel.However,the coupling of the functions of the underground utility tunnel and the requirements of civil air defense makes the safety risk assessment and operation and maintenance of the utility tunnel more complicated.The safety risk assessment methods were proposed based on the AHP-cloud model and reinforcement optimization measures of underground utility tunnel considering civil air defense.Firstly,the hierarchical hologram modeling method (HHM) was used to construct the risk identification dimension from the perspective of macro structure and safety management,the Vague set theory was used to filter analysis,and 6 first-level risk indicators and 36 second-level risk indicators were established.Secondly,the AHP-cloud model for the safety risk assessment of the underground utility tunnel considering civil air defense was constructed,and the status quo of the safety operation and maintenance management of the underground utility tunnel both civil air defense in Xuwei New Area was evaluated.Finally,according to the evaluation results and the relevant standards of civil air defense engineering,the optimization measures for the utility tunnel considering civil air defense function were proposed,and the utility tunnel condisering civil air defense scenario drill was established based on BIM and Unity3D.The results showed that the evaluation method and index were suitable for the underground utility tunnel considering civil air defense,and the evaluation results were intuitive,accurate and reliable.The overall operation and maintenance safety risk level of the project was low,but the main structure and port facilities were medium risk.After optimization,the project met the requirements of the underground utility tunnel both civil air defense.
Key words:underground utility tunnel;considering civil air defense;analytic hierarchy process-cloud model;operation and maintenance;risk assessment