>> Nature Journal >> 2023 >> Issue 3 >> 正文
Water-heat coupling test based on optical fiber temperature measurement with high-precious
Author: KOU Yudong LIU Chun Time: 2023-05-10 Counts:

KOU Y D, LIU C.Water-heat coupling test based on optical fiber temperature measurement with high-precious[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(3):88-94.





Water-heat coupling test based on optical fiber temperature measurement with high-precious

KOU Yudong1, LIU Chun1,2

1.School of Earth Science and EngineeringNanjing UniversityNanjing  210023JiangsuChina;2.High-tech Research InstituteNanjing UniversitySuzhou),Suzhou  215123JiangsuChina

Abstract:In order to study the water-heat coupling process and its influence factors in urban subsurfacean indoor test platform with high-precision sensors was designed to operate the water-heat coupling test considering temperatureseepage and coverage types herein to recognize distributed monitoring of temperature field.Results indicated thatThe change of soil temperature field under seepage was more intensivethe larger flow rate makes heat rate increase by dozens of timesThe higher temperature or temperature difference between soil and flowthe greater temperature field changedHeating process of the soil under different coverage was distinctthe heat rate of the soil under polyethylene board was the lowestThe heating rate was same with the same soil propertiesespecially higher permeability was benefit to heat and flow transmissionThe covering types weakened the seepages diffusiondisturbed seepage fieldaffected the distribution of temperature fieldThe seepagecarrying heatdisturbed the initial state of heat convection and motivated a new temperature field to appearHeat affected the viscosity coefficient of seepage and changed seepage fieldthose of three factors were coupled to determine the soil temperature field.

Key words:seepage of groundwater;coverage type;water-heat coupling;high precision sensor

