Author: CHEN Zhao, LI Xiaojun,ZHANG Sheng,ZHU Lei, ZHAO Longgang, WANG Hui, WANG Yanzong | Time: 2022-05-11 | Counts: |
Application study on bolt-grouting support technology of soft rock roadway crossing multi-layer in No.1 mine of Yungaishan
CHEN Zhao1, LI Xiaojun1, ZHANG Sheng1, ZHU Lei1, ZHAO Longgang2, WANG Hui2, WANG Yanzong2
1.School of Energy and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China;2.Henan Yongjin Energy Co., Ltd. , Yuzhou 461670 , Henan, China
Abstract:According to the characteristics of the roadway in No. 1 mine of Yungaishan,which is the multi-layer inclined soft rock strata in the driving process ,based on the observation of the structural properties and the li- thology analysis of surrounding rock ,combined with the numerical simulation method,the causes of asymmetric deformation of roadway were analyzed. And the idea and scheme of roadway non-uniform deformation control were put forward. The asymmetric deformation control of roadway was carried out by bolt-grouting support. The results showed that the distribution of the shallow , medium and deep fracture range of the two sides of the road- way was uneven, the roof and floor presented the characteristics of asymmetric deformation and failure, The slurry diffusion also presented the characteristics of significant difference , which was closely related to the uneven distribution of bedding and joints. The joint and bedding of fractured rock mass were cemented by the grou- ting method of combining the shallow and deep part of hollow anchor cable and high and low pressure , and the high-strength anchor mesh cable further compressed and strengthened the cemented bedding and joints. A full section support method combined support parameters of“ three times shotcreting + high-strength anchor mesh cable + hollow grouting anchor cable +floor hardening"had been designed. which had been successfully ap- plied in the field. It provided reference value to control the similar soft rock roadway crossing multi-layer.
Key words:soft rock roadway crossing multi-layer;asymmetrical deformation;grouting;bolt-grouting support;bedding