Author: LI Kun, WANG Qianxin,MIN Yanghai,GONG Youxing,MIAO Wei,CHENG Tong | Time: 2022-05-10 | Counts: |
A clock offset prediction model with quadratic polynomial based on LASSO algorithm
LI Kun1, WANG Qianxin1, MIN Yanghai2, GONG Youxing3, MIAO Wei1, CHENG Tong1
1.School of Environment and Geoinformatics , China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116 , Jiangsu, China;2.Suzhou Real Estate Market and Transaction Management Center, Suzhou 215002 , Jiangsu, China;3.School of Military Commanding Officer Basic Education,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410072,Hunan,China
Abstract: In order to solve the problems of model over-fitting and low prediction accuracy of the least squares estimation (LSQ) in processing high-dimensional data model formulas,the LASSO algorithm was used to solve the overall model of the quadratic polynomial model with periodic terms , and 6 ,12 ,18,24 h accuracy analysis of the prediction experiment respectively was carried out. The result showed that the LASSO algorithm could effectively avoid the over-fitting phenomenon in the solution of model parameters , greatly improve the prediction accuracy of the quadratic polynomial, and as the prediction time increased,the advantages of the lasso algorithm increased obviously.
Key words:quadratic polynomial;period term;LASSO;least squares estimation;over-fitting