Time: 2021-03-10 | Counts: |
Hydrogeological characteristics and gas occurrence rules in Xindeng coal mine ofDengfeng coalfield
HUANG Bo1, QIAO Junhao2, QIAO Xiaojun2, ZHENG Qiming1
1.School of Resources and Environment Engineering, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou 451191 , Henan, China;2.China Coal XinDeng Zhengzhou Coal Co. ,Ltd. , Zhengzhou 452470 , Henan, China
Abstract:Based on the theory of coal seam gas migration, loss and occurrence, combined with gas geological data revealed by mine exploration and production, the gas occurrence and distribution law of Xindeng coal mine was analyzed to reveal the Hydrogeological characteristics and gas occurrence rules in Xindeng coal mine of Dengfeng coalfield. By fitting the numerical relationship between coal seam depth, coal seam thickness, direct roof characteristics, floor limestone water salinity and coal seam gas content, combined with the distribution characteristics of the limestone groundwater dynamic field of the Taiyuan formation limestone, the hydrogeological units were divided, and the gas occurrence characteristics and geological control mechanism in different units were discussed. The results showed that the total dissolved solids ( TDS) of the No. 21coal seam floor was between 312 〜656 mg/L, and the coal seam gas content had the best correlation with the salinity ; The mine was divided into three types of hydrology , i. e. runoff zone , medium runoff zone , and weak runoff-retention zone. In the geological unit, the gas content in the weak runoff-retention zone was the highest, followed by the medium runoff zone ; Under the dual control of structure and hydrogeological conditions, a monoclinic-hydrodynamic plugging gas content enrichment area was formed in the northwest of Xindeng coal mine, the gas was most enriched ,and a monoclinic-hydrodynamic flushing gas content transition zone was formed in the middle, and the gas was relatively rich ; The predicted gas content in the deep part of the mine was between 5 〜7.5 m3/(t • daf).
Key words:gas occurrence;total dissolved solid;hydro-dynamics conditions;Dengfeng coalfield;Xindeng coal mine;hydrogeological characteristic;occurence rule