>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2016年04期 >> 正文
供稿: 申建军;刘伟韬;许珂 时间: 2018-11-14 次数:



摘要:针对深部煤炭资源开采受底板奥陶系灰岩高水压的威胁问题,基于可拓学理论将9个因素作为物元模型的事物特征,利用层次分析法确定影响底板突水各因素的权重,建立了底板突水四级危险性物元评价模型,确定合适经典域和节域,并对盘道煤业3210工作面进行了底板突水危险性评价。结果表明物元模型能够定量化反映突水危险性程度。根据该模型,3210工作面突水危险性等级为较安全,突水系数为0.024 5~0.026 0 MPa/m,远远小于构造破坏块段突水系数临界值。2种方法均表明煤层底板能有效阻隔奥陶系灰岩水,可以实现安全带压开采。





Abstract:Aiming at water inrush threat from the high confined water of Ordovician limestone in deep mine for coal resources exploitation,the nine factors are treated as matter-element model features based on extension theory,and the hierarchy analysis method is used to determine the weights of the influence factors,and four stages of matter-element model for inrush water risk assessment are established,and the classical domain and joint domain are determined. 3210 working face is evaluated based on the model. The results showed that,matter element model can quantitatively reflect the degree of water inrush risk,water inrush risk level of 3210 working face is relatively safe,water inrush coefficient is 0. 024 5 ~ 0. 026 0 MPa / m which is far less than the water inrush coefficient critical value. The results of the two methods show that the coal seam floor can effectively block the Ordovician limestone water,and can realize the safe pressure mining.
