>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2019年01期 >> 正文
供稿: 庞绪成;李文明;刘纪峰;司媛媛 时间: 2019-04-19 次数:



摘要:河南嵩县陈楼萤石矿主要赋存于燕山晚期太山庙岩体内的F3断裂带中,是著名的豫西萤石矿田中的最大矿床,其矿体严格受断裂构造控制。根据脉体穿切和矿物交代关系,矿床的热液成矿期自早到晚可划分为石英脉阶段(Ⅰ)、早期萤石成矿阶段(Ⅱ)、晚期萤石成矿阶段(主成矿阶段)(Ⅲ)和碳酸盐化阶段(Ⅳ)。主矿体M3-Ⅰ的早期石英脉阶段以含CO2型包裹体为主,主成矿阶段的萤石主要发育气液两相包裹体,属H2O-NaCl体系。从石英脉阶段到主成矿阶段,平均均一温度299. 9,235. 6,187. 7℃,平均盐度6. 14%,0. 71%,0. 67%NaCl eqv.,平均流体密度为0. 86,0. 81,0. 81 g/cm3,成矿流体总体以浅成、中低温、低盐、低密度、贫CO2为特征,并经历了由中温低盐度向低温更低盐度的演变,温度、盐度和密度的变化范围也随之明显收窄,可能与成矿过程中大气降水的不断加入有关。根据成矿压力估算出主成矿阶段的成矿深度为0. 73~2. 00 km,平均1. 17 km。研究认为矿床具有中低温浅成次火山热液型萤石矿床的特征。





Abstract:Chenlou fluorite deposit is the largest deposit of western Henan province. It is located in F3 fault structure of Taishanmiao rock in late Yanshan and its ore body is strictly controlled by the F3 fault structure.According to the relations between vein cutting and mineral metasomatism, the hydrothermal mineralization period of deposit can be divided into four stages, including quartz vein stage ( Ⅰ) , early fluorite mineralization stage ( Ⅱ) , late fluorite mineralization stage ( main metallogenic stage) ( Ⅲ) and Carbonation stage ( Ⅳ) . In the main ore body M3-Ⅰ, the early quartz vein stage is mainly composed of CO2-type inclusions, and the main fluorite mineralization stage of fluorite has mainly developed gas-liquid two-phase inclusions ( i. e. H2 O-NaCl system) . From the quartz vein stage to main metallogenic stage, the average homogenization temperature ranges299. 9 ℃, 235. 6 ℃ and 187. 7 ℃. The average salinity ranges 6. 14%, 0. 71% and 0. 67% NaCl eqv., and the average fluid density ranges 0. 86 g/cm3, 0. 81 g/cm3 and 0. 81 g/cm3. The ore-forming fluids are generally characterized by shallow formation, medium-low temperature, low-salt, low-density and CO2-depleted. They evolved from medium temperature and low salinity to low temperature and lower salinity. The range of temperature, salinity, and density was also significantly narrowed mainly because of continuous addition of atmospheric precipitation during mineralization. The metallogenic depth of main metallogenic stage is estimated ranging0. 73 ~ 2. 00 km with an average of 1. 17 km based on the ore-forming pressure. The deposit has the characteristics of a medium-low temperature metagenesis sub-volcanic hydrothermal fluorite deposit.
