>> 自然科学版期刊 >> 2019年05期 >> 正文
供稿: 田灵涛 时间: 2019-10-23 次数:



摘要:在煤层开采中,上覆岩层"两带"高度的确定对于矿井瓦斯抽采、水防治和顶板管理都具有重要的技术指导意义。本文采用现场冲洗液漏失量法和彩色钻孔电视孔内观测法,并与理论分析相结合研究了察哈素煤矿上覆岩层"两带"高度,结果表明:(1)垮落带高度为22.42~29.20 m,垮高比4.40~6.15;导水裂隙带高度为63.82~106.50 m,裂高比12.51~23.67,为了保证安全,取106.50 m为最大导水裂隙带高度,29.20 m为最大垮落带高度,察哈素煤矿属于超高导水裂隙带;(2)由同一个工作面的钻孔实测得到的"两带"高度比较吻合,由不同工作面地面钻孔实测得到的"两带"高度中,垮落带高度比较接近,而导水裂隙带高度差异较大;(3)钻孔实测结果与经验公式计算结果部分存在较大差异,提出在计算"两带"高度时应尽量考虑与其关系密切且重要的影响因素,使计算结果更接近于实际情况。





Study on the heights of the “two zones” in overlying strata over Chahasu coal mine gob

TIAN Lingtao

Production Technology Center of Chahasu Coal Mine, Inner Mongolia Energy Co., Ltd., State Power Construction and Investment

Abstract:Determination of the heights of the caved zone and fractured zone (called the two zones) in strata over the mining coal seam is very important for guiding the gas drainage, water prevention and roof control in coal mine.In this paper, the methods of the in-situ rinsing fluid volume, the color TV borehole observation, and theoretical analysis were used to study the heights of two zones of overlying strata in Chahasu coal mine gob.Results demonstrated that: (1) the height of caved zone was about 22.42~29.20 m and the ratio of caved zone to the mining height was about 4.40~6.15.The height of water flowing fractured zone was 63.82~106.5 m and the ratio of water flowing fractured zone to the mining height was about 12.51~23.67.For safety reason, the maximum height of water flowing fractured zone and the maximum caved zone height was determined as 106.50 m and 29.20 m, respectively.So, the fractured zone of the Chahasu coal mine was ultra-high water flowing fractured zone. (2) The heights of two zones obtained from the boreholes in the same coal face were consistently close.The heights of caved zone measured from boreholes in different coal faces were relatively identical, while the heights of water flowing fractured zone varied greatly. (3) There was a significant difference between the results by testing in borehole measurement and through empirical calculation.Important influencing factors while the heights of the two zones calculated should be considered, which could form a positive impact with the actual situation in a good agreement.
