供稿: 赵迪斐;郭英海;Geoff Wang;白万备;曾春林;焦伟伟;刘静 | 时间: 2020-01-10 | 次数: |
赵迪斐, 郭英海, Geoff Wang,等.渝东南地区五峰组-龙马溪组页岩笔石沉积特征及其对优质页岩气储层的指示意义[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(1):26-36.
ZHAO D F, GUO Y H, GEOFF W,et al.Sedimentary characteristics of shales graptololite and its implications for high-quality shale gas reservoirs in the Wufeng-Longmaxi formation insoutheast Chongqing[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(1):26-36.
赵迪斐1,2,3,4, 郭英海1,2, Geoff Wang5, 白万备1,2,6, 曾春林3,4, 焦伟伟3,4, 刘静1
1.中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院,江苏徐州 221116;2.煤层气资源与成藏过程教育部重点实验室,江苏徐州 221008;3.重庆地质 矿产研究院自然资源部页岩气资源勘查重点实验室,重庆 401120;4.重庆地质矿产研究院页岩气勘探开发国家地方联合工程研究中心, 重庆 401120;5.昆士兰大学化学工程学院,澳大利亚布里斯班 4072;6.河南理工大学资源环境学院,河南焦作 454000
摘要:笔石是我国五峰组-龙马溪组页岩中的主要古生物大化石类型,以渝东南地区YC-4井、 QQ-1井、YC-6井、YC-8井等为例,结合手标本观察、岩心研究、储层室内实验测试等手段,综合展开五峰组-龙马溪组页岩储层笔石沉积特征、笔石带序列、笔石沉积环境意义及储层意义研究。结果表明:渝东南地区五峰组-龙马溪组页岩笔石主要以薄膜状有机质保存于层理面间,五峰组页岩笔石动物群以叉笔石-双笔石动物群过渡至晚期对笔石动物群,龙马溪组沉积期则为单笔石动物群;通过钻孔研究,建立了渝东南地区笔石带序列,在五峰组、龙马溪组分别识别出3个以及6 ~8个笔石带,为储层精细对比与评价预测提供了时间框架;受控于沉积环境与沉积条件,五峰组-龙马溪组沉积期笔石经历灭绝一重新演化—结构复杂化的演化过程, 其化石结构、演化、丰度、赋存状态、沉积方式发生转变,向上笔石定向性增强、丰度下降、结构保存完整程度下降,具有环境指示意义;笔石体有机质发育丰富的有机孔隙,其作为富笔石水平层理等沉积构造的一部分,也具有页岩气渗流通道的作用。综上,海相页岩中的笔石沉积特征与结构特征可以作为指示、预测优质页岩储层分布的重要依据,具有页岩气地质意义。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(41772130 ,41804160);国家重点基础研究发展计划(973 )项目(2012CB214702 );江苏省自 然科学基金资助项目(BK20170274);重庆市绩效激励引导专项项目(cstc2018jxj190002);煤层气资源与成藏过程教育部 重点实验室(中国矿业大学)开放基金资助项目(2015-007 );中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院大学生学术科研中心创 新训练项目(CSA-2018-007)
Sedimentary characteristics of shales graptololite and its implications for high-quality shale gas reservoirs in the Wufeng-Longmaxi formation insoutheast Chongqing
ZHAO Difei1,2,3,4, GUO Yinghai1,2, Geoff Wang5, BAI Wanbei1,2,6, ZENG Chunlin3,4, JIAO Weiwei3,4, LIU Jing1
1.School of Resources and Geosciences, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116 , Jiangsu, China;2.Key Laboratory of Coalbed Methane Resources and Reservoir Formation Process, Ministry of Education, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008 , Jiangsu, China;3.Key Laboratory of Shale Gas Exploration, Ministry of Natural Resources, Chongqing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chongqing 401120 , China;4.National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center of Shale Gas Exploration and Development, Chongqing Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chongqing 401120 , China;5.School of Chemical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072 .Australia;6.Institute of Resounces and Environment, Henan Polytechnic University. Jiaoz'uo 454000 ,Henan, China
Abstract:Graptolites are the major fossil types of paleontology in the Wufeng-Longmaxi formation shale in China. Taking YC-4, QQ-1 , YC-6 and YC-8 wells in southeastern Chongqing area as examples, combined with hand specimen observation, core research and reservoir laboratory test, comprehensive study of sedimentary characteristics of graptololite, the sequence of graptolite zone, significance of the sedimentary environment of graptolite and its reservoir significance were conducted in the Wufeng-Longmaxi formation shale reservoirs. The results showed that the shale graptolites of the Wufeng Longmaxi formation in southeastern Chongqing were mainly preserved between bedding planes in the form of thin-film organic matter. The shale graptolites fauna of the Wufeng formation transited from the dicellograptus-diplograptus fauna to the late didymograptus fauna. It was a monograptolithic fauna during the sedimentary period of the Longmaxi formation. The sequence of graptolite zone in southeastern Chongqing was established through the drilling study ,3 and 6~8 graptolite zones were identified in the Wufeng formation and Longmaxi formation respectively, which provided a time frame for reservoir fine comparison and evaluation prediction. Controlled by sedimentary environment and sedimentary conditions ,graptolites of Wufeng-Longmaxi formation experienced evolutionary characteristics of extinction , re-evolution and structural complexity during sedimentary period, in which its graptolithic structure, evolution, abundance ,occurrence state and sedimentary mode had changed. The orientation of upward graptolites increased, its abundance decreased, and structural preservation integrity declined, which had the significance of environmental indication. Graptolithic organic matter not only developed abundant organic pore, but also had the function of shale gas seepage channels as a part of sedimentary structure of horizontal bedding of grapholite-rich shales. In conclusion, sedimentary and structural characteristics of graptolites in marine shales could be used as an indicator to predict the distribution of high-quality shale reservoirs, which had geological significance of shale gas.
Key words:southeast Chongqing;Wufeng-Longmaxi formation;shale gas reservoir;graptolite sedimentation;graptolite sequence;sedimentary environment