供稿: 张明义;管金萍;王永洪;刘俊伟;桑松魁;苗德滋 | 时间: 2020-01-10 | 次数: |
张明义, 管金萍, 王永洪,等.基于黏性土的开闭口管桩承载性状室内试验对比研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(1):149-156.
ZHANG M Y, GUAN J P, WANG Y H, et al.Comparative study of laboratory test of bearing behavior of open-endand close-end pipe piles based on clayey soil[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(1):149-156.
张明义1,2, 管金萍1, 王永洪1,2, 刘俊伟1,2, 桑松魁1, 苗德滋1
1.青岛理工大学土木工程学院,山东青岛 266033;2.山东省高等学校蓝色经济区工程建设与安全协同创新中心,山东青岛 266033
摘要:为了深入研究不同桩端形式对桩承载性状的影响,通过室内模型对比试验对黏性土中开 口管桩和闭口管桩的承载性状进行研究。试验结果表明:开口管桩T1和闭口管桩T2的Q-s曲线均呈陡降型,最大沉降量分别为47. 72 ,43. 24 mm,单桩竖向抗压极限承载力分别为6.3 , 7. 3 kN;试桩T1内管桩身轴力在土塞高度范围内随着埋深逐渐减小;试桩T1和T2外管桩身轴力随着深度的增加逐渐减少,试桩T2外管桩身轴力比试桩T1外管桩身轴力大24.2% ~ 102.7% ;试桩T1内管侧摩阻力在土塞高度范围内随着埋深的增大逐渐增大;试桩T1和T2外管侧摩阻力在荷载较小时,呈先增大后减小的趋势,当桩顶荷载达到最大时,始终呈增大的趋势;在各级荷载作用下,两试桩的桩端阻力分担比介于53. 5%~72. 3%,桩端阻力始终发挥主 要作用,且开口桩的桩端阻力分担比小于闭口管桩。研究结果对实际工程中桩型的选取具有 重要的指导意义。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(4177231 ,51778312 ,51809146 );山东省重点研发计划项目(2017GSF16107,2018GSF117010 , 2018GSF117008 );山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2016EEQ08 ,ZR2016EEP06 )
Comparative study of laboratory test of bearing behavior of open-endand close-end pipe piles based on clayey soil
ZHANG Mingyi1,2, GUAN Jinping1, WANG Yonghong1,2, LIU Junwei1,2, SANG Songkui1, MIAO Dezi1
1.School of Civil Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033, Shandong, China;2.Cooperative Innovation Center of Engineering Construction and Safety in Shandong Blue Economic Zone, Qingdao 266033 , Shandong, China
Abstract:In order to more deeply study the influence of different pile end forms on the bearing behaviors of piles, the bearing behavior of open-end and close-end pipe piles in cohesive soils were studied by laboratory model comparison tests. The results showed that the Q-s curves of test piles T1 and T2 were steeply descending. The pile top settlement of the two test piles was large, the maximum settlement was 47. 72 mm and 43. 24 mm, respectively. And the compressive ultimate bearing capacity of single pile was 6. 3 kN and 7. 3 kN , respectively. The axial force of the inner pile of the test pile T1 was gradually reduced with the depth of the soil within the height range of the soil plug. The axial force of the pile T1 and T2 outer tube piles decreased with the increase of depth. The axial force of the test pile T2 outer tube pile body was larger than the axial force of the test pile T1 outer tube pile body from 24. 2% to 102. 7% . The lateral friction of the inner tube of the test pile T1 gradually increased with the increase of the buried depth within the height range of the soil plug. When the load was small, the outer tube side frictional resistance increased first and then decreased, which always showed an increasing trend when the pile top load reached the maximum. Under the load of all levels, the pile end resistance sharing ratio of the two test piles was between 53. 5% and 72. 3% , and the pile end resistance always played a major role, and the pile end resistance sharing ratio of the open pile was smaller than that of the closed pile. The research results of the comparative tests had important reference significance for the selection of pile types in actual engineering.
Key words:open-end pipe pile;close-end pipe pile;clayey ground;bearing behavior