供稿: 孙巍伟;黄民;李康 | 时间: 2020-01-10 | 次数: |
孙巍伟, 黄民, 李康.数控机床刀具磨损监测与保护系统软件设计[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(1):91-100.
SUN W W, HUANG M, LI K.Software design of tool wear monitoring and protection system forCNC machine tool[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(1):91-100.
孙巍伟, 黄民, 李康
摘要:为了提升刀具监测系统的准确性,提高数控机床无故障运行效率,促进加工过程无人化、自动化生产的发展,提出一种刀具维护保养系统软件的设计方法。该系统由在线刀具磨损状态监测和刀具保护系统两部分组成,两个系统可在局域网内实现相互通讯。通过修改机床的 PLC程序,实现数控机床与刀具磨损状态监测系统之间的通讯,保证机床的加工数据实时地传输到监测设备,完成状态监测功能。刀具保护系统主要监控整个局域网中所有刀具监测系统的工作状态。以Qt作为软件开发框架对监测系统进行开发,并利用Android Studio开发刀具保护系统,然后进行加工试验验证。结果表明,当刀具磨损严重时,监测系统能够及时发出提醒,同时刀具保护系统也可以及时查看相应监测系统的最新信息。
基金项目:北京市自然科学基金京津冀基础研究合作专项项目(J170004 );北京市教委科研计划项目(KM201811232001 );北京市属 高校高水平创新团队建设计划项目(IDHT20180513 )
Software design of tool wear monitoring and protection system forCNC machine tool
SUN Weiwei, HUANG Min, LI Kang
School of Mechanic and Electric Engineering, Beijing Information Science & Technology University, Beijing 100192 , China
Abstract:In order to improve the accuracy of tool monitoring system and the fault-free operation efficiency of CNC machine tool, a design method of tool maintenance system software was proposed to promote the development of unmanned and automatic production in machining process. The system consisted of two parts : On-line tool wear condition monitoring and tool protection system, which could communicate within the LAN. By modifying the PLC program of the machine tool, the communication between the CNC machine tool and the tool wear condition monitoring system could be realized, which could ensure the real-time transmission of machine tool processing data to the monitoring equipment. And then, the status monitoring function could be completed. The monitoring system was developed with Qt, and the tool maintenance system was developed with Android Studio, and then the system was verified by machining tests. The results showed that the system could timely send a reminder when the tool wear was serious, and tool protection system could also check the latest information of the corresponding monitoring system timely.
Key words:CNC machine tool;tool wearing;monitoring system;tool protection system;software design