供稿: 赵滨滨;王莹;徐晓萌;王彬;宣文博;雷峥;葛磊蛟 | 时间: 2020-01-10 | 次数: |
赵滨滨, 王莹, 徐晓萌,等.计及电动汽车充电与可再生能源协同调度的负荷特性分析[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(1):107-115.
ZHAO B B, WANG Y, XU X M, et al.Load characteristics analysis considering cooperative dispatch of EVcharging and renewable energy power generation[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(1):107-115.
赵滨滨1, 王莹1, 徐晓萌1, 王彬1, 宣文博1, 雷峥2, 葛磊蛟3
1.国网天津市电力公司,天津 300055;2.国网天津市电力公司经济技术研究院,天津 300171;3.天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院, 天津 300072
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51807314 );国网天津市电力公司科技研究项目(KJ18-1-31)
Load characteristics analysis considering cooperative dispatch of EVcharging and renewable energy power generation
ZHAO Binbin1, WANG Ying1, XU Xiaomeng1, WANG Bin1, XUAN Wenbo1, LEI Zheng2, GE Leijiao3
1.State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company, Tianjin 300055 , China;2.Economic and Technical Research Institute, State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company, Tianjin 300171 , China;3.School of Electrical Information and Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072 , China
Abstract:Cooperative dispatching of electric vehicle ( EV ) and renewable energy is one of the effective means to promote the absorption of renewable energy, to calm the fluctuation caused by grid-connected renewable energy and to reduce the impact of EV disordered charging on the power grid. In order to reduce the net load fluctuation of photovoltaic ( PV ) power grid, a mathematical model of cooperative dispatching between EV and PV generation was established. At the same time, because of the lack of quantitative analysis on the load characteristics of electric vehicles after orderly charging, the characteristic evaluation index was proposed to quantitatively analyze the load characteristics of electric vehicles after response dispatching, and to evaluate the effect and influence of coordination dispatching. Finally, the data of one area of Tianjin were used for simulation analysis. The results showed that the proposed cooperative scheduling model could effectively suppress renewable energy fluctuation and decrease load peak-valley difference under different PV permeability.
Key words:renewable energy;electric vehicle charging;cooperative dispatching;load characteristic