供稿: 李涛;高颖;郭亮亮;冯海 | 时间: 2020-11-11 | 次数: |
李涛, 高颖, 郭亮亮,等.基于产流-汇流-渗流充水模式的黄土梁附区过沟开采涌水量预测[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(6):23-27.
LI T, GAO Y, GUO L L, et al.Prediction of water inflow with mining across ditches in loess ridge area based on runoff-confluence-seepage water filling mode[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(6):23-27.
李涛1,2,3, 高颖1, 郭亮亮4, 冯海5
1.六盘水师范学院 矿业与土木工程学院,贵州 六盘水 553004;2.矿山地质灾害成灾机理与防控重点实验室,陕西 西安 710065;3.西安 科技大学地质与环境学院,陕西 西安 710065;4.陕西省一八五煤田地质有限公司,陕西 榆林 719000;5.陕西煤业化工技术研究院,陕西 西安 710065
基金项目:中国博士后基金资助项目(2017M623327XB);矿山地质灾害成灾机理与防控重点实验室开放基金资助项目(KF2017-12);贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长项目(黔教合KY字[2018 ] 376,黔教合KY字[2018 ] 386)
Prediction of water inflow with mining across ditches in loess ridge area based on runoff-confluence-seepage water filling mode
LI Tao1,2,3, GAO Ying1, GUO Liangliang4, FENG Hai5
1.School of Mining & Civil Engineering, Liupanshui Normal University, Liupanshui 553004 , Guizhou, China;2.Key Laboratory of Mine Geological Hazards Mechanism and Control,Xi’an 710065 , Shaanxi, China;3.College of Geology and Environment,Xi’an University of Science and Technology ,Xi ’an 710065 , Shaanxi, China;4.Shaanxi 185 Coalfield Geology Co. , Ltd. , Yulin 719000 , Shaanxi, China;5.Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Technology Institute,Xi’an 710065 , Shaanxi, China
Abstract:In order to ensure the safety of shallow coal seam mining across ditches in loess ridge area, the prediction of water inflow of the working face with mining across ditches in loess ridge area was studied. The characteristics of the ditches in the study area were identified by field geological survey, and the flood filling model of the coal mining across ditches in the study area was analyzed. Based on the hydraulic theory, the formula for calculating the inflow of water into the working face in loess ridge area was deduced, and the formula was engineering tested. The results showed that the process of ditches flood entering the coal mining face in the loess ridge area included runoff generation, confluence and seepage. Based on the runoff-confluence-seepage water filling mode, the formulas of calculating the normal and maximum water inflow with mining across ditches were proposed, which could predict water inflow accurately with an error of only 3.2%. According to the formula, the corresponding water control measures were proposed. It provided a reference for similar geological mining conditions with mining across ditches.
Key words:loess ridge area;coal mining;water inflow;mining across ditch;runoff-confluence-seepage water filling mode