供稿: 梁维;赵维生;邓代强;杜俊;金小川 | 时间: 2020-11-11 | 次数: |
梁维, 赵维生, 邓代强,等.最大干密度条件下散体岩石物料的抗剪特性[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(6):152-158.
LIANG W, ZHAO W S, DENG D Q, et al.Shear characteristics of rockfill material under maximum dry density condition[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(6):152-158.
梁维1, 赵维生1, 邓代强1, 杜俊2, 金小川3
1.贵州理工学院 矿业工程学院,贵州 贵阳 550003;2.昆明学院 城乡建设与工程管理学院,云南昆明 650214;3.江西省地矿局赣东北 大队,江西 上饶 334000
摘要:为探讨最大干密度条件下矿山排土场散体岩石物料的抗剪特性,采用室内直剪试验对散体岩石物料的最大干密度及其抗剪特性进行研究。结果表明:粗颗粒含量为60%~70%时,散体岩石物料的干密度达到最大,其最优含水率呈现最小值;在最大干密度状态下散体岩石物料的“结构性”和“摩擦性”得到增强,其抗剪强度参数较天然状态c值增长14% ~ 115% , φ值增长53% ~72% ;最大干密度状态下,散体岩石物料剪切过程整体上可分为启动、发展、破坏3个阶段,剪切曲线呈现应变硬化特性;试样在剪切启动阶段剪缩,发展阶段由剪缩逐渐转化为剪胀,破坏阶段剪胀效应增强。研究结果可为掌握排土场散体岩石物料的抗剪特性提供参考。
基金项目:贵州省科技计划项目(贵科合LH字[2016 ] 7107,黔科合基础[2018 ] 1061,黔科合支撑[2019 ] 2882 );贵州省教育厅青年 科技人才成长项目(黔教合KY字[2016 ] 227)
Shear characteristics of rockfill material under maximum dry density condition
LIANG Wei1, ZHAO Weisheng1, DENG Daiqiang1, DU Jun2, JIN Xiaochuan3
1.Institute of Mining Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang 550003 , Guizhou, China;2.School of Urban and Rural Construction & Engineering Management, Kunming University, Kunming 650214 , Yunnan, China;3.The Northeast Party, Jiangxi Geomineral Bureau, Shangrao 334000 , Jiangxi, China
Abstract:In order to investigate the shear characteristics of rockfill material in waste dump of metal mine under maximum dry density condition, a set of direct tests were conducted to explore the maximum dry density and the shear characteristics of a rockfill material. The results showed that the rockfill material had coarse particle contents of 60% ~70% , the coarse particles interacted with fine particles to form the most stable structure ,and achieved the maximum dry density, the optimum moisture content also presented the minimum ; Under maximum dry density condition , the “ structure" and " friction“ of rockfill material were strengthened , and its shear strength parameters had been significantly improved compared with the natural state, the c value had increased by 14% ~ 115% , and the φ value had increased by 53% ~ 72% ; Under maximum dry density condition the shear process could be divided into three stages : start-up, development and failure, the shear curve showed strain-hardening characteristics; The samples shrank at the initial stage of shear process, then gradually changed from shrinkage to dilatancy effect at the development stage, and the dilatancy effect was enhanced at the failure stage. The research provide a useful reference for understanding the shear characteristics of rockfill material in waste dump.
Key words:rockfill material;direct shear test;maximum dry density;shear characteristic;shear dilatancy