供稿: 崔峰;刘振波 | 时间: 2020-11-11 | 次数: |
崔峰, 刘振波.耿村煤矿巨厚煤层区段煤柱综放复采可行性研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(6):28-35.
CUI F, LIU Z B,et al.Feasibility study of repeated mining with fully-mechanized top-coal caving in district sublevel pillar of ultra-thick seam in Gengcun coal mine[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(6):28-35.
崔峰, 刘振波
河南大有能源股份有限公司,河南 三门峡472431
摘要:为延长矿井服务年限、提高煤炭资源回收率和缓解矿井接替紧张状况,以耿村煤矿巨厚煤层区段煤柱为研究对象,提出复采巨厚煤层区段煤柱的综放开采技术,建立工作面覆岩破断模型,确定复采工作面布置在与区段煤柱相距30 m处的煤研互层中,保障巷道的安全使用。通过判定工作面冲击地压等级,提出防控冲击地压、巷道支护失效、瓦斯超限爆炸和煤炭自燃发火等灾害技术方案。结果表明,复采区段煤柱及老空区遗煤是安全可行的,区段煤柱的复采延长了矿井服务年限,提高了煤炭资源回收率,缓解了矿井工作面接替紧张状况。研究结果可为类似条件矿井提供复采参考依据。
Feasibility study of repeated mining with fully-mechanized top-coal caving in district sublevel pillar of ultra-thick seam in Gengcun coal mine
CUI Feng, LIU Zhenbo
Henan Dayou Energy Co. , Ltd. , Sanmenxia 472431 ,Henan, China
Abstract:In order to extend the service life of coal mine, to improve the recovery rate of coal resource and to relieve the shortage of replacement in the coal face, district sublevel pillar in ultra-thick seam of Gengcun coal mine is taken as the sample, and the fully mechanized caving mining technology for recovering district sublevel pillar with ultra-thick seam was put forward. The overburden fracture model of the coal face was established, and it was determined that gateway safety could be guaranteed safe when the coal face was arranged in alternate of coal and gob at a distance of 30 m from the district sublevel pillar. According to judging the rock burst grade of the coal face, the technical scheme for preventing and controlling the disasters was put forward, such as rock burst, gateway support, gas overrun and spontaneous combustion. The results showed that it was safe and feasible to repeated mining district sublevel pillar, which could extend the service life of the mine, improve the recovery rate and relieve the tension of coal face replacement. Meanwhile, the research results can provide reference for other mines with the similar conditions.
Key words:Gengcun coal mine;ultra-thick coal seam;repeated mining with fully-mechanized top-coal caving;