供稿: 刘株利;许孝卓;汪旭东;高岩;李祎博 | 时间: 2020-11-11 | 次数: |
刘株利, 许孝卓, 汪旭东,等.基于复合磁性槽楔的整数槽和分数槽PMLSM性能对比及优化[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2020,39(6):106-111.
LIU Z L, XU X Z, WANG X D, et al.Performance comparison and optimization of PMLSM with integral and fractional slot based on composite magnetic slot wedge[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2020,39(6):106-111.
刘株利, 许孝卓, 汪旭东, 高岩, 李祎博
河南理工大学 电气工程与自动化学院,河南 焦作454000
摘要:为了降低电机齿槽力和推力波动,提高电机性能,提出一种由2种不同磁性材料复合而成的新型复合磁性槽楔(composite magnetic slot wedge , CMSW),并根据复合形式不同分为上下复合和左右复合。建立整数槽(12S4P)和分数槽(3S4P)绕组结构的永磁直线同步电机(permanent magnet linear synchronous motor, PMLSM )有限元模型,对比整数槽和分数槽绕组 PMLSM在单一磁性槽楔和不同复合形式下复合槽楔的齿槽力、永磁损耗、电机推力及波动等电磁特性。结果表明,CMSW对电机推力波动抑制效果优于单一磁性槽楔,并得到不同绕组形式下的CMSW最佳复合形式和配合尺寸。有限元分析结果显示,复合磁性槽楔可以显著降低推力波动,减小涡流损耗,改善电机输出性能。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(U1504506);河南省科技攻关项目(192102210073 );河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划项目(2017GGJS051);河南理工大学青年骨干教师资助计划项目(GGJS2016-183 )
Performance comparison and optimization of PMLSM with integral and fractional slot based on composite magnetic slot wedge
LIU Zhuli, XU Xiaozhuo, WAN G Xudong, GAO Yan, LI Yibo
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University ,Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China
Abstract:In order to improve the motor performance, and to reduce the cogging force and thrust ripple, a new type of composite magnetic slot wedge( CMSW) composed of two different magnetic materials was proposed. According to the different forms of composite, the CMSW could be divided into upper and lower CMSW and left and right CMSW. The finite element model of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor( PMLSM ) with integer slot ( 12S4P) and fractional slot ( 3S4P) windings was established. The electromagnetic characteristics of PMLSM with integer and fractional slot winding, such as slot force, permanent magnet loss, thrust and ripple were compared under single magnetic slot wedge and different CMSW. The results showed that CMSW was better than single magnetic slot wedge in suppressing motor thrust ripple, and the optimum combination form and fit size of CMSW in different winding forms were obtained. The finite element analysis results showed that the CMSW could significantly reduce thrust ripple, eddy current loss and improve the output performance of the motor.
Key words:permanent magnet linear synchronous motor;integral slot winding;fractional slot winding;compos ite magnetic slot wedge;thrust ripple;finite element