供稿: 崔梦然;郭健翔;李闻卓;田雪沁;王娜;孙晋飞 | 时间: 2022-05-11 | 次数: |
崔梦然, 郭健翔, 李闻卓,等.基于瞬态模拟的多能耦合系统多目标优化研究[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2022,41(3):119-127.
CUI M R, GUO J X, LI W Z, et al.Multi-objective optimization study on multi-energy coupled system based on transient simulation[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2022,41(3):119-127.
崔梦然1, 郭健翔1, 李闻卓1, 田雪沁2, 王娜2, 孙晋飞1
1.青岛理工大学 山东省余热利用与节能装备技术重点实验室,山东 青岛266033;2.国网经济技术研究院有限公司,北京 102209
摘要:围绕区域建筑的动态冷热电负荷需求,构建燃气轮机耦合土壤源热泵冷热电联供系统的瞬态计算模型。在对负荷及联供系统瞬态模拟的基础上,建立综合考虑系统经济、环境、一次能源消耗量的多目标优化模型,提出一种避免加权系数选取的主观性影响优化结果的方法,既反映供能系统和负荷需求的动态匹配,客观上又符合多目标优化原则。使用该方法对某医院冷热电负荷进行优化,结果表明,最优配置下的耦合系统与土壤源热泵及分供式系统(燃气锅炉加电制冷机组)相比,费用年值节约率(M1)分别为12.4%和-3.8%,一次能源节约率M2分 别为12. 1%和43.5%,环境污染物影子成本节约率M3分别为50. 1%和57.2%。
Multi-objective optimization study on multi-energy coupled system based on transient simulation
CUI Mengran1, GUO Jianxiang1, LI Wenzhuo1, TIAN Xueqin2, WANG Na2, SUN Jinfei1
1.Shandong Key Laboratory of Thermal Utilization and Energy Saving Equipment Technology, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033 , Shandong, China;2.State Power Economic Research Institute, Beijing 102209 , China
Abstract: Based on the dynamic cooling,heating and power load demands of regional buildings , a transient cal- culation model of the coupled soil-source heat pump of cooling, heating and electricity supply system for gas turbines was constructed. Based on the transient simulation of the load and installations system , a multi-objective optimization model was proposed considering the economy, environment and primary energy consumption of the system. A method was proposed to avoid subjective influence of weighting coefficient selection on optimiza- tion results ,this method not only reflected the dynamic matching of energy supply system and load demand, but also accorded with the principle of multi-objective optimization objectively. The optimization results for the dy- namic cooling , heating and electricity load of a hospital showed that, compared with the soil-source heat pump system and the subsupply system( gas-fired boiler and electric refrigerating unit) , the annual cost saving rate(M1) was 12.4% and -3.8% respectively, the primary energy saving rate (M2) was 12. 1% and 43.5% respectively ,and the shadow cost saving rate(M3) of environmental pollutants was 50.1% and 57.2% respectively.
Key words:combined cooling , heating and power system;soil-source heat pump;transient simulation;multi-objective optimization;weighting coefficient