供稿: 杨栋;孙玉宁;程伟;王志明;张钧祥 | 时间: 2022-05-11 | 次数: |
杨栋, 孙玉宁, 程伟,等.瓦斯抽采高保压二次注浆封孔工艺及工程应用[J].河南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2022,41(3):10-15.
YANG D, SUN Y N, CHENG W,et al.High grouting pressure secondary sealing method for coal seam gas drainage and its application[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2022,41(3):10-15.
杨栋1, 孙玉宁1, 程伟2, 王志明1, 张钧祥1
1.河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院,河南 焦作454000;2.晋城无烟煤矿业集团有限责任公司,山西 晋城 048012
摘要:针对郑州矿区“三软”煤层瓦斯抽采现有封孔工艺存在的密封不严等缺陷,研发高保压二次注浆封孔工艺,该新型注浆封孔工艺包括初次注浆封孔和二次注浆封孔,初次注浆封孔为低压注浆,即利用高膨胀性初次注浆材料(GPM )优异的膨胀性支护压密钻孔,同时堵塞钻孔浅部围岩漏气通道;二次注浆为高压注浆,即利用聚氨酯基有机二次注浆材料(JEM)良好的可注性,对钻孔周围微小裂隙进行注浆。数值模拟结果表明:高保压二次注浆封孔工艺配合 GPM和JEM,能够保障浆液在钻孔围岩充分扩散,证明该工艺的可行性。在超化煤矿底抽巷穿层钻孔进行工业试验,结果表明,与超化矿“两堵一注”封孔工艺相比,高保压二次注浆封孔工艺改善了瓦斯抽采效果,提高了瓦斯利用率,钻孔瓦斯体积分数衰减也得到了有效控制,验证了该新型注浆封孔工艺的优越性。
High grouting pressure secondary sealing method for coal seam gas drainage and its application
YANG Dong1, SUN Yuning1, CHENG Wei2, WANG Zhiming1, ZHANG Junxiang1
1.School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000 , Henan, China, Jincheng 048012 , Shanxi, China;2.Shanxi Jincheng Anthracite Coal Mining Group, Jincheng 048012, Shanxi, China
Abstract:For the deficiencies of common “two sealing and one grouting” technology in the “ three soft” coal seam of Zhengzhou coal area, high pressure injection molding of the second hole sealing technology was proposed to hole sealing to get better results. “ One time” was to grout with low grouting pressure to backfill drilling with excellent expansibility of GPM material and blocked the channels which relieved the gas leakage in the shallow surrounding rock. “Secondary” was to gout with high grouting pressure to grouting the micro cracks around the borehole with good injection of JEM material to improve the bearing capacity of the surrounding rock. The results of numerical simulation showed that the sealing technology ensured the radius of grouting dif- fusion , it was proved that the process was feasible. The commercial scale test was conducted along cross hole in bottom pumping alley of Chaohua coal mine. The resuls of practical experimentation indicated that compared with“ two blocking and one injection”sealing drilling in Chaohua Mine,the application of this sealing technology greatly improved the gas drainage effect, effectively improved the gas utilization rate, and effectively controled the attenuation of gas concentration in the borehole,which proved the superiority of the technology.
Key words:hole sealing;second injection;gas extraction;high pressure