Author: XUAN Yaguang | Time: 2023-07-10 | Counts: |
XUAN Y G.Research on PID algorithm for hydraulic oil viscosity in planting machinery depth control system[J].Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science) ,2023,42(4):116-120.
Research on PID algorithm for hydraulic oil viscosity in planting machinery depth control system
XUAN Yaguang
Continuing Education College, Xuchang Univeisity, Xuchang 461000, Henan, China
Abstract:A PID control algorithm considering the hydraulic oil viscosity was proposed for the planting depth control system of planting machinery with different hydraulic oil at different temperatures.Fisrstly,the second method of Ziegler-Nichols(Z-N)and the Routh stability criterion were used to determine the PID coefficient and optimize the coefficient,respectively.Secondly,the pole and double zero points of PID controller were used to minimize the continuous oscillation of response.Finally,the algorithm was applied to three kinds of hydraulic oil(32#,46#,68#)for performance verification.The simulation results showed that the PID control algorithm without considering viscosity had slow response speed,and didn’t meet the boundary conditions,couldn’t control the planting depth accurately.The PID algorithm considering viscosity could accurately control the proportional valve pressure of the control system,the maximum pressure of all hydraulic oil was less than 1.55 MPa,the stable time was less than 0.45 s,the steady state error was 0%,the maximum overshoot was 17.52%,and all targets met the requirement fully.
Key words:planting machinery;planting depth control system;hydraulic oil viscosity;PID control algorithm