Time: 2021-07-10 | Counts: |
Numerical simulation study of the effect of cohesion on simulation resultsof strain-softening model
DU Xueling
Institute of Mining Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology, Guiyang 550003 , Guizhou, China
Abstract:In order to evaluate the effect of cohesion on simulation results of strain - softening model, standard size numerical cylindrical samples were established in FLAC3D software, and the comparative numerical simulation study were carried out by uniaxial loading. The results showed that when using the Mohr-Coulomb model, the cohesion was linearly related to the peak strength. While in the strain-softening model, when only the strainsoftening parameters were changed, the performance of the samples before the peak were consistent with the behavior of the Mohr-Coulomb model. When the other conditions were the same, the smaller the marker point of the plastic strain after the peak became, or the greater the difference between the post-peak strain-softening parameter and the pre-peak parameter was, the more obvious the post-peak strain softening effect would be. However, this phenomenon was not obvious when the softening marker point was large or the softening degree of cohesion was small. For soft rocks, cohesion was generally softened in FLAC3D to achieve the corresponding softening effect without the need to soften the friction angle and tensile strength. Meanwhile, it was most likely not accurate enough to reflect bursting liability by post-peak energy in conventional numerical simulations.
Key words:strain-softening;numerical simulation;FLAC3D;cohesion;constitutive model;uniaxial test;failure criterion