>> Nature Journal >> 2021 >> Issue 4 >> 正文
Study on physical and mechanical properties differences of weatheredred clay from different parent rocks in Guiyang
Time: 2021-07-10 Counts:





Study on physical and mechanical properties differences of weatheredred clay from different parent rocks in Guiyang

XIE Yanjiang, WANG Zhongmei, SUN Qianzheng, YANG Zhou, FU Hai

College of Resources and Environmental Engineering Guizhou University Guiyang 550025 Guizhou China

Abstract:In order to find out the physical and mechanical properties of weathered red clay from different carbonate parent rocks in Guiyang six undisturbed red clay samples with different parent rock weathering were taken and tested to conduct the study including consolidation undrained shear CU unconfined compressive strength QU consolidation compression X-ray diffraction XRD X-ray fluorescence spectrum XRF electron scanning microscope SEM energy spectrum scanning EDS and particle analysis. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the volume fraction of the two kinds of red clay whose particle size was more than 250 jxm and the weathered red clay of limestone contained ferroolivine and did not contain chlorite while the weathered red clay of dolomite was on the contrary There were obvious differences in microstructure arrangement and pore type between the two red clays The other physical indicators of limestone weathered red clay were larger than dolomite weathered red clay except the specific gravity The compressibility of limestone weathered red clay was lower than that of dolomite weathered red clay but the shear strength and compressive strength of limestone weathered red clay were higher than that of dolomite weathered red clay especially when the water content was 35% and 55% . The research results could provide basis and guidance for the research of modification and reinforcement of red clay and the engineering construction in the future.

Key words:Guiyang red clay;material composition;microstructure;physical property;mechanical property;difference

