>> Nature Journal >> 2021 >> Issue 4 >> 正文
Development and application of large-scale inclination physical simulation platform for fully mechanized caving mining in extra-thick coal seams
Time: 2021-07-10 Counts:





Development and application of large-scale inclination physical simulation platform forfully mechanized caving mining in extra-thick coal seams

LI Dongyin, ZHANG Weiyu, WANG Wen, WANG Shen, WANG Zuguang, LI Huamin

School of Energy Science and Engineering Henan Polytechnic University Jiaozuo 454000 Henan China

Abstract:Fully mechanized caving mining is one of the most important coal mining methods in high-yield working faces in China's extra-thick coal seams and the top-coal drawing method is an important factor affecting the recovery rate of top coal the existing top-coal drawing test platform has fewer in the simulations of topcoal drawing in the direction of the working face smaller similarities fewer supports and the size of the drawing opening and other issues. Based on the regularity and migration characteristics of the loose medium flow in the fully mechanized top-coal drawing a large-scale inclination physical simulation platform for top-coal drawing in extra-thick coal seams was developed to impove the recovery rate of top coal. The similarity ratio was 1 10. The platform had 19 top-coal drawing openings and could realize top-coal drawing tests under such different conditions as top coal caving methods top coal drawing opening size coal seam inclination angles top coal thick ness coal gangue particle size etc. The test platform could meet the study of morphological development characteristics of the top-coal drawing funnel and the coal discharge at different top-coal drawing opening. A reasonable top-coal drawing method could be explored through several experiments this had certain guiding significance for the mine to improve resource utilization and efficient production. Based on this platform the physical simulation of the“ segmented four-stage disposable“ top-coal drawing method at the 8222 working face of Tashan Mine was performed.

Key words:extra-thick coal seam;fully mechanized caving mining;large-scale physical simulation platform;top-coal drawing method;top-coal recovery rate

